Evry one claims that sog will give you at least a g/watt. I like monsters but thats just me. Your space looks perfect for sog. Jeres what i think. If you have access to square buckets use those. The shape will give you more room. Fimd what the time is from the day you switch your favorite strain until harvest day,then divide that by how many times you want to harvest in that time. Looks like you have room for 6 containers in there to me. Plant two decent sized clones (ya i said two) into one of the buckets and repeat how ever many times you want to harvest. Your options are to separate into three stages 2, 2, and 2 buckets with twelve plants total. Or one bucket with two plants in at every new entry, that would give you a more frequent harvest. Just divide flower time by six and take two clones (or three just in case) and just remember that the goal is not to grow them big. If you do, they will take up wayy to much space. You want lots of popsicles that dont interfear with their nieghbors light. Youll prbably want to trm them a bit so theyre not bumping into each other much and your yeild is all at one main top, dont tof, fim, or lst