400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
Just few pictures of the plants to show you guys how are they doing.

First up is CK day 26 View attachment 2499208View attachment 2499209View attachment 2499210View attachment 2499211

Looks like its time to start tying man, once you tie that top down all them side nodes will start getting longer and reaching up to the screen.

and FCJ day 31 View attachment 2499212View attachment 2499213View attachment 2499214View attachment 2499216View attachment 2499217

Its funny you posted that first pic as i noticed that my FCJ also developed them large nuckles at the joint on the stem....to me this says large buds incoming!!! haha
They look great man, like i said above you may want to just give some LST a try see if it gives you results you want. once you tie that top down every side node will start growing like they were the top of the plant. same with the FCJ before it grows into that screen too much. your doing the Lazy mans Scrog and just letting the plant grow into the screen rather than training it to fill the screen. not sure if that makes sense but heres a couple quick Paint diagrams to help me get my theory across.

lst no lost.jpg

so i guess ultimatly its up to you but i think you would be extremely satisfied with the results of some simple LST ing


Well-Known Member
Matt so what you saying is that I should bend the main stem about 90 degrees right? and tie the shoots that are coming through the screen? I don't know if I can bend that stem so far lol this scrog grow is harder then it looks or it's just me lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Matt so what you saying is that I should bend the main stem about 90 degrees right? and tie the shoots that are coming through the screen? I don't know if I can bend that stem so far lol this scrog grow is harder then it looks or it's just me lol
90 degrees??? Good lord no!

Just try to arc it over and tie the top as low as possible. make sure to secure your main stem to the opposite side.


Well-Known Member
90 degrees??? Good lord no!

Just try to arc it over and tie the top as low as possible. make sure to secure your main stem to the opposite side.
Understood Ms. Flame. Thank you. I'll have to work a bit more on my plants get them all squared up lol.


Well-Known Member
Matt so what you saying is that I should bend the main stem about 90 degrees right? and tie the shoots that are coming through the screen? I don't know if I can bend that stem so far lol this scrog grow is harder then it looks or it's just me lol
well 90 degree angle looks like a L, you would essentially have to snap the stem to aquire this.

90 degrees??? Good lord no!

Just try to arc it over and tie the top as low as possible. make sure to secure your main stem to the opposite side.
this is optional, its not a bad practice but not necessary. i have always just tied em right over.

but i agree with Flame, just rope around the top of the plant, drill a hole in side of container and pull it tight, try and get the top as close as you can to the container without breaking anything, then you can tighten it further in a day or so once the plant has grown into its new position.

if you happen to break andything just make clean cuts and tape it back together. i have done this a few times and they generally repair themselvs (soft stems) if you crack the hard stem it also will repair but DO NOT seperate the 2. the softer stems can be cut clean and taped back together, make sure you tape them so that they stay touching on the open wounds.

I don't know if I can bend that stem so far lol this scrog grow is harder then it looks or it's just me lol
i think with plants that size you should have no issues getting the top down to the rim of the pot. and i also think its you making it out to be way harder than it is :) just be carefull but them plants are pretty bendy. and if your that concerned do like flame said above and attach a string to the base of the plant stem and the container before you do the bend. this will prevent any root stress.

lst no lost.jpg


Well-Known Member
If the FCJ will grow like she is now, I don't know I might have to flip soon, she's getting bigger and bigger each time I look at her and the one thing I don't want is FCJ out growing my space lol


Well-Known Member
If the FCJ will grow like she is now, I don't know I might have to flip soon, she's getting bigger and bigger each time I look at her and the one thing I don't want is FCJ out growing my space lol
tying them down will give you more vertical room, you gotta remember anything below the screen usually gets cut off

go to google and type in ScROG and go to images. if you look the under canopy is usually cut off to bare stalk, lollypopped.

so as long as the screen fits you dont have to worry about the plant outgrowing the room, just need to continue tying branches down..

you can literally tie em down as much as you want, they will always grow upwards towards the light. so even if you have thet FCJ ties on 20 different branches in 20 different places as long as the end result is a even canopy above the screen your good .



Well-Known Member
Matt Thank you for explaining. I've been reading about scrog since I start this grow and I don't know lol. I think I got to be more prepare for my next grow, from looking at the calender I should be able to fit in two more grows before summer time.


Well-Known Member
Scrog takes more time man its as simple as that. but if you dont want to take the time, tie em down and let veg another week, then flip.....same results....almost

i was going to do another ScROG but today i decided against it, just tied all my girls down and called it a day. im going to let them veg for around 2-3 more weeks before i flip but i have lots more room than you do and ill just be shorting myself on yeild if i flip before the room fills up.


Well-Known Member
Scrog takes more time man its as simple as that. but if you dont want to take the time, tie em down and let veg another week, then flip.....same results....almost

i was going to do another ScROG but today i decided against it, just tied all my girls down and called it a day. im going to let them veg for around 2-3 more weeks before i flip but i have lots more room than you do and ill just be shorting myself on yeild if i flip before the room fills up.

why dont you sea of green matt?


Well-Known Member
Scrog takes more time man its as simple as that. but if you dont want to take the time, tie em down and let veg another week, then flip.....same results....almost

i was going to do another ScROG but today i decided against it, just tied all my girls down and called it a day. im going to let them veg for around 2-3 more weeks before i flip but i have lots more room than you do and ill just be shorting myself on yeild if i flip before the room fills up.
Matt, that's the only thing I think I missed while reading about ScROG! LoL wasn't prepared for that haha I'll learn for next time ;)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
grow sea of green monsters :)
that is almost wat scrogging is.

I will be taking lots of clones from my scrog (next grow) by removing the lower shoots that don't make it to the screen. All those will be rooted, then into 12/12 they go!

Little colas for everybody!!!