Do you believe in ghosts?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have never been a believer.Always been a, "your born ,you die, the end " viewer of life.

Lately though.There has been some weird shit going on.Most of it could chalked off as an overactive mind.Such as lately at night i keep seeing moving shadows all over my bedroom in the dark.Werid unexplained shadows.Optical illusion or eye problem ? maybe ..but there's a certain eerie feeling.I woke up one night and had the image of a shadow walking round and round my bed ,i was literally paralysed with fear and felt like i was going to have a heart attack..nightmare? ... maybe.

Then theres the more concrete stuff.Such as the bathroom sink filling up with water and the sponge we use to clean the bath in it.Gf insists it wasn't her and i belive her because cleaning the bathroom is not something she is very willing to do ,and it definitely wasn't me because i had no intention of cleaning the bathroom either.. so the plug went in ,the tap switched on ,the sponge was lifted out and put in and the sink was filled and then the tap turned off with no explanation..

My gf said she seen a shadow walking in to the bathroom the other night out of the corner of her eye

I heard 2 cups in the sink clatter together last night and there was no way the would have been able to move on their own the way they were placed in the sink..

so now i don't know ,starting to get a bit eerie around here.

anyone believe in this stuff?
I believe in ghoats. cn

Ok I have never been a beliver.Always been a, "your born ,you die, the end " viewer of life.

Lately though.There has been some weird shit going on.Most of it could chalked off as an overactive mind.Such as lately at night i keep seeing moving shadows all over my bedroom in the dark.Werid unexplained shadows.Optical illusion or eye problem ? maybe ..but there's a certain eerie feeling.I woke up one night and had the image of a shadow walking round and round my bed ,i was literally paralysed with fear and felt like i was going to have a heart attack..nightmare? ... maybe.

Then theres the more concrete stuff.Such as the bathroom sink filling up with water and the sponge we use to clean the bath in it.Gf insists it wasn't her and i belive her because cleaning the bathroom is not something she is very willing to do ,and it definitely wasn't me because i had no intention of cleaning the bathroom either.. so the plug went in ,the tap switched on ,the sponge was lifted out and put in and the sink was filled and then the tap turned off with no explanation..

My gf said she seen a shadow walking in to the bathroom the other night out of the corner of her eye

I heard 2 cups in the sink clatter together last night and there was no way the would have been able to move on their own the way they were placed in the sink..

so now i don't know ,starting to get a bit eerie around here.

anyone belive in this stuff?

Yea defiantly I used to work in a nursing home doing nights it was a really old building and used to be a dairy when I was a kid, I used to do a two hourly round there were twenty six rooms so it took a while. One night I had just finished my round and was sat having a cup of tea when I heard someone walk up the corridor the bathroom door opened and I heard the light click on, at this I shouted hello whose that,no one answered then I heard someone peeing in the toilet so I got up and went to the bathroom expecting to find an old lady sitting on the toilet but their was no one their, the light was on the light cord still swinging but no one their. I then did another round to check if anyone was out of bed but they were all fast asleep and all had commodes anyway it frightened the life out of me.
I am concidered to alot of ppl to be somewhat of a medium. I can read most ppl tell them about there family here and on the otherside...I see and can comunicate with the otherside. ( but really try to avoid it at all cost because it really burns me out)

You or your gf could of been somewhere and the spirit attached itself to one of you. You need to put a small cross over all your windows and doors that open to the outdoors. and then tell the spirit by the power of GOD I command you to leave your not welcome here. You have to take control..remember this is your house and its a unwelcome visitor. This spirit could be demonic so the soon you get it out the better.
I am concidered to alot of ppl to be somewhat of a medium. I can read most ppl tell them about there family here and on the otherside...I see and can comunicate with the otherside. ( but really try to avoid it at all cost because it really burns me out)

You or your gf could of been somewhere and the spirit attached itself to one of you. You need to put a small cross over all your windows and doors that open to the outdoors. and then tell the spirit by the power of GOD I command you to leave your not welcome here. You have to take control..remember this is your house and its a unwelcome visitor. This spirit could be demonic so the soon you get it out the better.

I have never encountered a ghost but as a kid I was scared of Freddy Krueger. Are you religious?

No i am not religious.That's the weird thing..I don't believe in God for the simple reason that there is to much brutal ,disturbing stuff going on in the world for a god to exist.How can a "god" let 20 kids get shot in the head.How can "God" let mexican drug cartels skin each other alive.How can god watch chinese people murder and eat babies.

But life force /energy /afterlife , like i say ,wasn't convinced before ,but now this spooky stuff is happening to me i am opening my mind a bit ,i mean who knows.There is no way anyone can know what is truly out there ..scientists may have made alot of advancements ,but there is somethings man will never know
The spirit world can be some scary shit. Believe me or not but I seen some really crazy stuff... And no i wasnt stoned lol I smoke maybe once a week. My lady has a disabilty so I grow to keep her pain free
No i am not religious.That's the weird thing..I don't believe in God for the simple reason that there is to much brutal ,disturbing stuff going on in the world for a god to exist.How can a "god" let 20 kids get shot in the head.How can "God" let mexican drug cartels skin each other alive.How can god watch chinese people murder and eat babies.

But life force /energy /afterlife , like i say ,wasn't convinced before ,but now this spooky stuff is happening to me i am opening my mind a bit ,i mean who knows.There is no way anyone can know what is truly out there ..scientists may have made alot of advancements ,but there is somethings man will never know

You may want to get religious will grow the most massive bud lol
It aint like that bro.....really try to avoid it..but when spirits attach them self to you it starts out with little shit like cups clanking together..then you wake up in the middle of the night and your tv is on and you have several doors and windows open will grow the most massive bud lol
It aint like that bro.....really try to avoid it..but when spirits attach them self to you it starts out with little shit like cups clanking together..then you wake up in the middle of the night and your tv is on and you have several doors and windows open

dude your scaring me lol
I am concidered to alot of ppl to be somewhat of a medium. I can read most ppl tell them about there family here and on the otherside...I see and can comunicate with the otherside. ( but really try to avoid it at all cost because it really burns me out)

You or your gf could of been somewhere and the spirit attached itself to one of you. You need to put a small cross over all your windows and doors that open to the outdoors. and then tell the spirit by the power of GOD I command you to leave your not welcome here. You have to take control..remember this is your house and its a unwelcome visitor. This spirit could be demonic so the soon you get it out the better.
Could you do a reading for me? Privately or otherwise I don't mind.
puffdatchronic I am gettin pretty scared my self. I love watching scary movies like the new Silent Hill. But in real life I would shit my pants if a real ghost smoked my bud. Clayman187 thanks for that beautiful reading! :weed:
I knew as soon as I hit post on my 1st msg it would get interesting lol
I dont like to read anyone sorry..just imagine going thru everyday of your life and seeing all this shit..hell I cant even go to the store with out feeling vibes from ppl...sometimes it so strong that I have to just walk out to get away from it