Do you believe in ghosts?

ahhh..that stuff happens all time StillB.....I have learned a few things to stop it so I can sleep..when I go to bed I spell the word NOTHING..over and over in my head..I dont get woken up anymore in the middle of the night.
But I do get storng feelings during the day(my awake hours) and they will point me on who to call or check up on

My friend never learned how to control it . It controled her. (I guess) I will always think that is why she hung herself.Dont know for sure.
cant do any kind o reading over web..but let me see..granny...small town, simple believe in why stress on the small over the web reading haha
Small town simple life bang on, the rest I don't understand? Go on give it a go this stuff really intrigues me tell me something that only you and your gift could no, I don't scare easy so don't hold back I'm serious please try
After my brother died last year I could feel his prescence in my house for days. I've felt things like that before, the wierd part was my wife could feel it too. I shit thee not.
As we live we all radiate different types of energy, I believe in "ghosts" as our intense energy from extreme moments and emotion (anger, depression, guilt...) captured at a molecular level by solids of all kinds - even other life forms.

Which is why people as well as homes and objects can be "haunted", and which is why there are hardly any "happy ghosts". Usually lonely, depressed, or wrathful as these emotions are often more powerful than the happiest of happys..

These "recordings" are later played back due to certain vibrations or energies in atoms reacting to one another causing them to sometimes display simple projections for brief moments or even physically moving objects in the immediate area.

Which is why they (Spirits) only come around certain people - Because those people generate THAT certain type of energy which the spirit's particular energy is attracted to.

Hmm... I just thought about it more and realized that (depending on what is happening in each of our lives at this very moment) each of us could potentially be "producing ghosts" right now as we speak.

Everything in the universe is energy, in one form or another. When we die (and we all do) you just change from one form of energy (the electrical synapses in your brain), to another (your natural electrical energy is grounded back to the planet and your body is "worm food" as they say) .: Closing the cycle.

So I do believe in "ghosts" but not as sentient beings with a purpose. More like a piece of someone torn away from them at some point in their life, doomed to live in a loop until the energy giving off the recording can be destroyed or the energy loses is "charge" and fades...
But only my theory.
do you ever wonder if its like some sort of matrix that the panell we look into is thier but it isnt its the fibers of strains gentic make up strands of jeans dont look at the picture but the fibers that make up your dog the dogs eyes the dogs eye color your face your skin the rocks if they try to plit the atoms and go further into the matter its thier but it isnt?????? can you look in front of you and see the charge is it or isnt it??? can thier be more in space in diffrent directions TIME thier is no time in space because thier is no sun rotating to mark time???? what is time the sun around the earth or vise versra were did we come from what are the chancess that all the things are put hear at the right time at the right freeking time all the space mater materials so that things can live??? the chances are astronomical??? so why is their energy?? when i was a boy i seen the exercist and i had fevers that were over the peek and i would dream a atari screen the white pelets got to close to the black pelets and it was intense swetting and i wake yelling for help in the middle of war and shhhhhhhhhhhh can talk they can hear yet the pelets white on one side and black on the other it was crazzy shit but were is this all going im not shure ill let you know later..
This is the most depressing thread I've seen in recent memory

"energy", "aura".. these words are meaningless because no context is given and nothing is explained

let me tell ya a little store of my 1st exp with the otherside.

I was 16 and still at home..smoked a bunch of pot with a budding and we were at my house veggin on tv.. this spirit came to me and told me his family didnt know he was dead and asked me to help him..long story short..I found his grave and contacted hpd houston police..they dug up his body...they questioned me for hours thinking I had something to do with it but were able to find the ppl that buried him

You knew where a body was buried because a spirit came to you and told you, where is the news article of that?
IMHO you don't need ESP to see a ghost but it helps. I wouldn't worry about things happening around the house. At the end of the day I believe only the living can harm you, not the dead.

If someone dies tragically or before their time you will be more likely to feel presence around the home. Things will happen for a while after. The lights for example, the TV goes a bit funny. Things fall off shelves without wind or reason. Honestly, don't worry about it! :)
i don't believe in ghosts. but keep us posted if any more eerie shit happens at your place. i'm morbidly interested. if you have a ghost at least he keeps up with basic hygiene. he probably uses your tooth brush too.
my ex has a camel cigarettes newspaper ad from ww2 with her grandfather saying more soldiers smoke camels or some shit, i guess he smoked like crazy...sometimes, when you walk by the ad, thats in a frame thats sealed, in a house of non smokers, you get a whiff of cigarette, and once it was enough to make my stomach turn. i wonder if its him hanging out at the edge of here and the other side, puffin a cigarette
They're probably just aliens operating at a frequency we cannot observe yet.
People see all of these:

2)-Demons...Spirits.... Ghosts...

However, they never see all of them, just maybe one from each catagory...

Personally, I have never seen one, that does not mean you have not seen one...

Although, there was this time when I saw what could only be described as a UFO in Hawaii.... doing maneuvers....

There is something else... out there.... why wouldn't there be ?
Maybe there is, but if there's no tangible evidence to support it, why believe in it? Do you entertain the idea of Bigfoot in the same light?
This is the most depressing thread I've seen in recent memory

"energy", "aura".. these words are meaningless because no context is given and nothing is explained

You knew where a body was buried because a spirit came to you and told you, where is the news article of that?

Um the word "energy" doesn't need context. It's energy. Period.
You have energy you can do stuff, if you have no energy, you do nothing. Everything that runs on energy is the same. From humans, to cars, to power plants, to ghosts...
No energy, no existence. Atoms have energy and interact with other energies. Be it two catalysts between chemicals or atoms, or electricity, or waves all reacting to one another.
That is the only reason any of us are here. ENERGY.

Maybe there is, but if there's no tangible evidence to support it, why believe in it? Do you entertain the idea of Bigfoot in the same light?

There is A LOT of evidence to support those, not anyone's fault that they CHOOSE to not believe that evidence.
There are tons of pictures, testimony (of course SOME are false) and scientific hypothesis to support those claims.
If someone doesn't believe in intelligent alien life this day and age, they must be living in a cave.

That's like saying you don't believe in light...
Um the word "energy" doesn't need context. It's energy. Period.
You have energy you can do stuff, if you have no energy, you do nothing. Everything that runs on energy is the same. From humans, to cars, to power plants, to ghosts...
No energy, no existence. Atoms have energy and interact with other energies. Be it two catalysts between chemicals or atoms, or electricity, or waves all reacting to one another.
That is the only reason any of us are here. ENERGY.

There is A LOT of evidence to support those, not anyone's fault that they CHOOSE to not believe that evidence.
There are tons of pictures, testimony (of course SOME are false) and scientific hypothesis to support those claims.
If someone doesn't believe in intelligent alien life this day and age, they must be living in a cave.

That's like saying you don't believe in light...

There are different kinds of energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, chemical energy (metabolism), electrical energy, electrochemical energy, electromagnetic energy, sound energy, nuclear energy... What kind of energy are you talking about? Without context, it's meaningless. What kind of energy would a ghost be and what evidence is there to support that?

There is no tangible evidence to support the idea of ghosts. Evidence is evidence regardless of personal beliefs, that's what makes it evidence. You can't choose to not believe something is real if there is sufficient evidence of it without being intellectually dishonest.

Pictures and testimony aren't enough evidence in science to accurately conclude anything, and there are scientific hypotheses of all kinds of things, Scientology for example, simply having a hypothesis isn't evidence for anything until you take it farther and gather evidence and make observations that are consistent with reality that can be measured.

I believe in intelligent alien life, but I don't have any evidence to support that belief, so as of now, that's all it remains. It would be a mistake to claim for sure intelligent alien life exists, no matter how strong the odds are.
It's one of those you have to see it to believe it things, so there is no point in logically arguing with those who had experiences/believe. There is enough claims from individuals, organizations, hotels, vacancies, museums and hospitals to classify it as an occurring phenomena. The only way you can come to a proper conclusion on this type of phenomena is to experience it yourself, or perhaps research heavily into it. Subjective evidence does not hold weight in the scientific method, but it does call for proper investigation. You could call ghosts/spirits a "mass hysteria" or people's mind playing tricks on them but it's much deeper than that when there is multiple witnesses to several claims. You have to research it for your conclusion to hold weight.