Avoiding the PH game, noob

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Got my first DWC in, PH was a touch high (around 6.5 - 7.0) so i dropped it, a little too far i think, its probly around 4.5 - 5. Now im using canna classic A for vegging with an EC around 1.0-1.2, plant is a 8 week old clone so its well established. Need a few more inches and it can go to flower.

If i leave my PH at its current level and just let nature do its thing (over time my PH will rise slowly??) it will correct its self. I really dont wanna play this PH game, 35 litres in the res, and Canna aint cheap.


Would it be safe to leave it where it is, i drop trust myself to take it up, and i wanna avoid the up down up down. its probly 4.5 - 5.0. How low can you go before you kill it over night?


Well-Known Member
He didnt say he didnt have a ph meter? He obviously knows what it is, so dont post with info about getting a ph meter when its Irrelevant to the topic, he wants to know wether or not leaving it lpw ph will fuck shit up, and yes it will, over a 24hr period your plant can easily start locking things out, try and find something that can raise your ph, theres a lot of natural things that are cheap and effective.


New Member
He didnt say he didnt have a ph meter? He obviously knows what it is, so dont post with info about getting a ph meter when its Irrelevant to the topic, he wants to know wether or not leaving it lpw ph will fuck shit up, and yes it will, over a 24hr period your plant can easily start locking things out, try and find something that can raise your ph, theres a lot of natural things that are cheap and effective.
lol you said it best!


thx, rep for the 2 people who dont have down syndrome!

If it does start to "lock-out", then as the PH returns to where it should be will it just return to normal, or once its starts to "lock-out" its gonna die? Just wanna get an understanding of how tolerable this plant (or weed) is.

When i next check the PH it will have been around 24 hours, so if needed ill pump some of the nutes out, and top off with freshly mixed nutes at the correct ratio. If i have a 35L res, and the PH is high 4.5 - 5.0, how manly litres of say PH 7 water would it take to get it up?

someone is gonna say just to just add it slowly, how long should i let it sit for before testing again. Please no more down syndrome answers.


Well-Known Member
Alright, if you have access to ph up I recommend even just a small bottle, if you dont what you should do is drain some water out and add water with a ph of like 7/most tap water is suitable, and aim for atleast close to 5.7-5.8 as possible, dont let them sit in that low ph water for any time if possible, it is a weed plant but it is sensitive when in a harsher enviroment. Go to your local grocery store, im more than sure that theres a cheap ass product to raise your ph, most people just think theres only chems and what the guy at the hydro store says, I cant think of f the top of my head onwhat naturally raises you ph, I believe baking soda can be used and should only be used inan emergency, it is a salt and plants dont like salts in excess so you should use some of this and then get ph up asap or just get your watering correct, ph up though!!!!! Get the shit you wont regret it!!


Active Member
Would it be safe to leave it where it is, i drop trust myself to take it up, and i wanna avoid the up down up down. its probly 4.5 - 5.0. How low can you go before you kill it over night?
If you cant trust yourself to bring your ph up you shouldn't be doing hydro. Its not that hard. Add a couple drops of ph up at a time until you get to 5.5 - 6.5. Over time you'll be able to do it with your eyes closed.


Well-Known Member
Once you get your ph in check, make sure you keep the res. temp stable.. I've found thats 1 of the biggest contributors to PH fluctuation.


Well-Known Member
Leave your Ph, just let it rebound on its own. You don't want the ppm you get if you'd Ph-up'd it.
That's the game. You just went a little to far, if you have to Ph down your hydro you want to go lower than 5.5, when you Ph down from say 6.0, try and get to 5.0-5.1, you know it will rebound so you know you can hit all the nutrient ranges on your way back up to 5.9-6.0, even if you do have a problem you can fix it fast just by running pure water for 24-48hr.


WOW dude, 5 idiotic posts thats dont help me and you sum it perfectly,

seriously i know ive only had a plant for 48 hours and im tripping balls about everything, but telling me to ph up then down then up then down is retarded, I dont trust myself to up the PH by 1 when ive only got droppers to check it with. Yes in know, ive ordered my digital test gear from online and its on the way. I knew the PH would rebound back up, and my question, if anyone bothered to read it exept for 3 people (repped all 3 of youZ) was can i just leave my PH around 5 and let it bounce back up or is it critical i up it slightly. This morning i pumped 2L out of my 35L tank and dropped in PH 7 (my tap water tests around 7).

Seriously i know i only have 0 posts and im very inexperienced, but even i know its best not to ph up down up down up down, I was told to let it cycle from 5 - 6. Like use ph down to PH 5, then let nature bounce it back up to 6. rinse and repeat.

plant is not even 48 hours old and i have 3 x 2inch roots dropping down from the mesh netting cup already.

I have noticed what looks like a tiny dark discolouration on some of the existing stem, right where it joins the fan leaves, its just a bit dark, maybe red or purple, could just be the strain...

what would this generally signify?


New Member
it wont rebound unless you used the tap water, which has buffers and salts in it.

if you filtered it, or used already distilled water, it wont.

use distilled water, make a mix of 1.5 e.c. at 5.5-6 ph. let it sit to make sure the ph doesnt rebound..it wont if you filter your water.

you can fix it with ph up, or the tap water buffers may fix you. give it a day and check again.


Well-Known Member
WOW dude, 5 idiotic posts thats dont help me and you sum it perfectly,

seriously i know ive only had a plant for 48 hours and im tripping balls about everything, but telling me to ph up then down then up then down is retarded, I dont trust myself to up the PH by 1 when ive only got droppers to check it with. Yes in know, ive ordered my digital test gear from online and its on the way. I knew the PH would rebound back up, and my question, if anyone bothered to read it exept for 3 people (repped all 3 of youZ) was can i just leave my PH around 5 and let it bounce back up or is it critical i up it slightly. This morning i pumped 2L out of my 35L tank and dropped in PH 7 (my tap water tests around 7).

Seriously i know i only have 0 posts and im very inexperienced, but even i know its best not to ph up down up down up down, I was told to let it cycle from 5 - 6. Like use ph down to PH 5, then let nature bounce it back up to 6. rinse and repeat.

plant is not even 48 hours old and i have 3 x 2inch roots dropping down from the mesh netting cup already.

I have noticed what looks like a tiny dark discolouration on some of the existing stem, right where it joins the fan leaves, its just a bit dark, maybe red or purple, could just be the strain...

what would this generally signify?
leave it. It's all good. I've done hydro it's gonna be ok. You really should of read something about hydro before you try a big set up like you have. You need a RO/DI system. First rule of hydro is to use pure clean water, the RO get you down to 0 ppm and the DI is DI-ionization wich strips the ions from the water helping you maintain a good Ph with out having to adjust it. I guess your learning the hard way. How many plant are in your system?


Well-Known Member
WOW dude, 5 idiotic posts thats dont help me and you sum it perfectly,

seriously i know ive only had a plant for 48 hours and im tripping balls about everything, but telling me to ph up then down then up then down is retarded, I dont trust myself to up the PH by 1 when ive only got droppers to check it with. Yes in know, ive ordered my digital test gear from online and its on the way. I knew the PH would rebound back up, and my question, if anyone bothered to read it exept for 3 people (repped all 3 of youZ) was can i just leave my PH around 5 and let it bounce back up or is it critical i up it slightly. This morning i pumped 2L out of my 35L tank and dropped in PH 7 (my tap water tests around 7).

Seriously i know i only have 0 posts and im very inexperienced, but even i know its best not to ph up down up down up down, I was told to let it cycle from 5 - 6. Like use ph down to PH 5, then let nature bounce it back up to 6. rinse and repeat.

plant is not even 48 hours old and i have 3 x 2inch roots dropping down from the mesh netting cup already.

I have noticed what looks like a tiny dark discolouration on some of the existing stem, right where it joins the fan leaves, its just a bit dark, maybe red or purple, could just be the strain...

what would this generally signify?
Man, you'll learn real quick here, post count don't mean beans, and you'll also figure out real quick who you can take advice from and who NOT to.
And, just because people can type, doesn't necessarily mean they can read and comprehend without arguing.


So, thx for taking the time to help, if you get repped, you got listened too ;)

I have 35L res, raised the PH by removing 2-3L of nutes and replacing with tap water (high PH), I have a relative who gave me the clone, they use tap water. I am only growing 1 plant right now but will end up with 3 (my goal to smoke for free).

PH is a little higher now and ill check it again in the morning. Im having problems with temp, i live in AUSTRALIA (not europe, not the snow, not the ocean), its like living on the sun, average ambient temp is around 25oC, so +10oC for my 600W HPS and im batling to keep it under 35. I can keep it around 30, (thats at 500m3/h of airflow), so i guess my res is around that too.

Im poor and im trying to not spend any more money, as a new grower and a geek ive thrust myself into reading (have been for months), i understand all the theory but its different when its in your cupboard.

List of problems, hope you can help.

1, Old fan leaves (the onles already on it when given to me) a few have a yellow spot on them, maybe 1 finger each on 2 leaves. so 2 yellow spots,
2, and 1-2 mm of the tips look like theyre burnt, coz its just gone from water only to nutes?

When the HPS goes off ill take some photos.

Thx so much for the help so far,

oh and if your not sure or guessing, please do that elsewhere. thx guys :)


New Member
so you learned from me that tap water had buffers in it, its the method you choose, but i don't get a rep.

fuck outta here hope the tap water rebounds you to 7


Active Member
so you learned from me that tap water had buffers in it, its the method you choose, but i don't get a rep.

outta here hope the tap water fucks you up

see that's the difference between most of us and YOU we do it for the pleasure of helping the warm fuzzy feeling knowing someones plants will be fine because we have helped YOU are a parasite you haven grew a plant i would smoke never mind show off seriously kid you boil my blood get to fuck you annoying lil fucking cretin

OP personally i have never had a problem with ph but then again i dont use like bloom ferts and all that other crap i just use a simple 20.10.10 mix for all the way through my grow now


Well-Known Member
Adjust the pH quickly. What the hell good is DWC if you wait for nature to correct your mistakes? Dump half the res and add plain tap water. No pH Up needed. AND no need to wait for chlorine or chloramine to dissipate. Just add it.
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