Avoiding the PH game, noob

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Active Member
k so we are back on track, cant type much, missus is asleep behind me, gotta push the buttons so fuckn softly.

600w HPS
canna classic vega a + b
rock wool + hydroton
ph is currently 5.5 ish,

im not scared to adjust the ph, its just i fucked it up the first time and wanted a second opinion AFTER reading DO NOT PH DOWN THEN UP or vice versa, something about the 2 chemicals screwing up the nutes or something. its now fixed and ok.

these are the pics from this morning, you wont see the hole in these, its on the other side, i only noticed it after these phtos while doing my daily inspection.

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and plz dont flame me about my temps, its 28oC outside when i took it, im only really worried about photo #4, why the fuck do i have a spot midway along a leaf, it is possible i might have had a couple of droplets of liquid hit it. maybe.
this plant went in 3 days ago, yes its only 3 days old in DWC, are the tips "burnt"?, if so, is it because its going from water to nutes?
As you will learn. PATIENCE........Is a big ingredient in growing. You change your ph. Good. Now give it a day or two before doing something else. They are just weeds, not oriental japanese maples.. Whenever you make a correction in your res. or process, always wait a day or two before you do something else. As long as none of your new growth has anything wrong with it, then you will be good. Let it do what it does best, GROW...


ok, its midnite right now. imma take photos tomoz of EVERYTHING.

its a 50L tote, wrapped in black plastic (light proof), 35L of liquid, netpot in the top towards one end, 2 air lines, drip feed.

294 cfm of airflow (true cfm, not numbers and constricted)

600W HPS
canna clssic vega A+B
ph has never rollercoasted

and im just worried, the person who gave me the clone is a relative, and im a very nerdy person, the "go-to" guy for ANYTHING electronic, i build robots and enjoy watching them destroy shit. (think robot wars).
they have entrusted me with a job, and i dont wanna fuck it up.

ive since learned its VERY hard to kill your plant. and i need to take another chill pill. thx for the AMAZING help so far guys. ill post more pics tommorow showing my entire setup.


Well-Known Member
ok, its midnite right now. imma take photos tomoz of EVERYTHING.

its a 50L tote, wrapped in black plastic (light proof), 35L of liquid, netpot in the top towards one end, 2 air lines, drip feed.

294 cfm of airflow (true cfm, not numbers and constricted)

600W HPS
canna clssic vega A+B
ph has never rollercoasted

and im just worried, the person who gave me the clone is a relative, and im a very nerdy person, the "go-to" guy for ANYTHING electronic, i build robots and enjoy watching them destroy shit. (think robot wars).
they have entrusted me with a job, and i dont wanna fuck it up.

ive since learned its VERY hard to kill your plant. and i need to take another chill pill. thx for the AMAZING help so far guys. ill post more pics tommorow showing my entire setup.

Admist all the chaos there are plenty of growers including myself who will assist you the best we can

Also Whats her age? Im thinking very young by grow? 2-3 weeks a month tops?

also Its midnight here 2? U an aussie? Forgive me if u have Answered that already :P


Well-Known Member
2 months... And No Preflowering. Ekk. What strain is it do u know? and what state ? i could supply a very sturdy Afgaini or even a Stavia Bushy as Bag seed cutting if your near brisy

How long has it been under the HPS for? your intornode distance looks half decent, just looks like she has ethier been root locked for to long or Highly light deprived


both, like i said it was in a clone room for maybe 2 months, hand wateres with no nutes under a cfl.

its 3 days old in my system.

why u up at 2am?


Well-Known Member

Three or four teenagers arguing in Newbie Central about how much "experience" they have!

And just like teenagers, they don't know when to shut up.
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