FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
i see 7 trains ( computer controlled :) )in an evil kenevil kinda show ( rings of fire, jumpin buses, football pitches ect ) and i wanna see if they make it ( same reason you would go to see a daredevil ) peace out bro ;)
I like that description :)


Well-Known Member
Finny, if i may..
just 2 big things i notice in your grow you should know and try to correct for when you next plant up....

You have planted all of your seeds right in the corners of the pots. The roots will be crashing into the sides and not creating a proper root ball, filling out the pots as they should do. You need to plant in the center with pots filled to the brim..

Another thing, is your soil. you are using what looks to be a heavy duty compost filled with wood bark. another reason your roots are not happy.
Go buy yourself some light, breathable potting up soil. That can be either light on nutrients suitable for seedlings, or a stronger in nutrient soil for transpanting into.
or do what i am doing and mix up your own into a light nutrient dirt.. add some guano, worm humus (casting), some sort of a kelp meal, bone , fish , blood... and tons of other things you can add... have a look here....
This way your plants should be happy enough without having to add anything else.


Well-Known Member
Finny, if i may..
just 2 big things i notice in your grow you should know and try to correct for when you next plant up....

You have planted all of your seeds right in the corners of the pots. The roots will be crashing into the sides and not creating a proper root ball, filling out the pots as they should do. You need to plant in the center with pots filled to the brim..

Another thing, is your soil. you are using what looks to be a heavy duty compost filled with wood bark. another reason your roots are not happy.
Go buy yourself some light, breathable potting up soil. That can be either light on nutrients suitable for seedlings, or a stronger in nutrient soil for transpanting into.
or do what i am doing and mix up your own into a light nutrient dirt.. add some guano, worm humus (casting), some sort of a kelp meal, bone , fish , blood... and tons of other things you can add... have a look here....
This way your plants should be happy enough without having to add anything else.
I DID NOT plant the seeds in soil at all. I panted them in toilet paper. I transplanted sloppily on purpose, you are missing the point of a "stress grow" :dunce: And your second comment about dense soil... Again, I don't think you even know what stress means...


Well-Known Member
I DID NOT plant the seeds in soil at all. I panted them in toilet paper. I transplanted sloppily on purpose, you are missing the point of a "stress grow" :dunce: And your second comment about dense soil... Again, I don't think you even know what stress means...
so you'e doing all this to see how bad you can stress a bunch of plants?
why waste the time and seeds?


Well-Known Member
this didnt start as a stress turned into one.............your a fukn liar
It did to start as a stress grow. Did you not see me over water? And I wanted to over heat them the whole time, but the halogen won't reach them. Next grow if I don't have a MH for veg, the Halogen WILL be utilized. 1-3 hrs a day.


Well-Known Member
@The2TimEr tried to rep msg but -
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The2TimEr again.



Well-Known Member
i never heard nuthin bout stress grow till they were all seriously fucked up
That's because I wasn't going to tell anyone until the end of the grow. :dunce: (Why can't you can't remember things that happen? You were HERE dude :dunce: someone found my video about stress and shared it here, so I started sharing it too ) I didn't know you guys followed me on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
That's because I wasn't going to tell anyone until the end of the grow. :dunce: (Why can't you can't remember things that happen? You were HERE dude :dunce: someone found my video about stress and shared it here, so I started sharing it too ) I didn't know you guys followed me on YouTube.
u made that video after u fucked everthing up ......i was here y cant u remember? meth?


Active Member
Actually, it was "under the weather"... That's the one that was by the fan, I moved it... Remember WIND STRESS... Did you guys forget already???? I didn't ACTUALLY have it going like a hurricane 24/7, but wind was blowing pretty hard on that little thing.
you have said numerous times that you are not looking for help so this must be a teaching video? So why don't you show what happens when you over stress!!!


Well-Known Member
you have said numerous times that you are not looking for help so this must be a teaching video? So why don't you show what happens when you over stress!!!
Yes that is a teaching video, made by me. Why would I want to "OVER-stress", that's just called "killing".
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