Seeing as more than 750,000 people in the US are killed by pharmaceutical drugs, with the number of deaths skyrocketing as the amount of prescriptions increase thanks to doctors prescribing drugs like Prozac, Klonipin, and Warfarin to people with insomnia (Off-label prescriptions).
Every one of the assailants who have been involved the mass shootings lately have been on anti-psychotic and anti-depressive medication.
There are studies that prove that most of the pharmaceutical drugs used today increase rates of cancer and disease, and can have the opposite effect of that proposed by the company selling the drug, and the amount of these studies far outweigh the amount of studies proving the effectiveness or safety of these drugs.
No one has died from cannabis.
Up until about 100 years ago, cannabis was the crop most grown among the entire world. It has been incorporated into our bodies. Look up the Endocannabinoid System. Our bodies have natural cannabinoid receptors, which are, in fact, the most prevalent in the body, that are built to receive a much higher amount of cannabinoids than that which is created in our own bodies. The introduction of the cannabinoids from Cannabis to the body prove to have extremely beneficial and seemingly necessary effects.