FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
so i called up almost every store at the mall and none of them reported ever having spammy as an employee. so spammy lied to us about having a job at the mall.

why do you feel like you have to lie to be cool, spammy?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
If you weren't a lazy fucktard you could have looked back and found the video yourself. Just because you say for me to get something doesn't make you right in ANY way. You never even said WHAT video you wanted (maybe you're too stupid to remember), so I'm guessing it's this one.
i saw that video

all you showed us were stipule, and ill go and dig it up just for you, since you can even be bothered to tell me the video number

. foot mouth=fin

there used to be a video up here its videro 45 if any oneis interested and some how its beiong blocked from viewing . . .so if you wonder what im talking about its video 45 and all he shows are stipules, no male or female indications at all

at 1:10 you show us stipules not female(pistils) or male(stamine) this is basic botany and horticulture to be able to identify these parts of the plant, but judging by the amount of branching and the internode lengths . i think you got more than a few males

which you wantt so im not sure why you are being so petulent


Active Member
LOL! uh oh... No I haven't :lol:

That should be good
i only remember the last five and if I should remove it let me know mods:):) make sure you sing it to the music:)
five sixty nines, four blow jobs, three golden hickies, two big fat titties, and a petrified piece of pussy:):):)

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
in his defense i also do stress test on seeds starts but not till they are in veg, but id do very little of what he does most of it imho is superstition

but improper implementation of techniques is obvious


Well-Known Member
IN RICE!!! Ok... WTF??! Never herd of that b4!! I guess there always a 1st for everything! What's the purpose behind this method?? Anyone??
Thanks.. Dank.
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