Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Had my first history class at the college today.

Teacher was 5 min late and he forgot to make copies of the handouts. So we didn't start class until 15 min after.

Then he ranted for an hour about:

1. Aging population- which led to rant about obama care, people he knows health insurance went up 50 dollars a wk and now cant afford.

2. Infastructure- ranted about money spent on roads

3. Economic problems

4. Climate Change - were all gonna get wiped out by climate change like the romans and mayans and dinosaurs did.

5. Peak oil - earth is saying, hey! you didnt listen to climate change, but you will listen to this! << his words

Some of what he said made sense, but most of it was just unhappy ranting.

And this class is about history of technology and inventions. I was so bored. I would of been fine with 20 min of it but DAYAMN. I could of been napping. Im preggers and tired!
Your professor has come to realize that history is an out-dated subject.

And the reason for this is that nobody learns from their own history, if they did they wouldn't be repeating it over...and over...and over.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm just tired of walking into classes and having my time wasted. If I want to learn about political/economical/ecological things, I will do it on my own time. I am paying you to teach me about "subject".


Well-Known Member
I'm just tired of walking into classes and having my time wasted. If I want to learn about political/economical/ecological things, I will do it on my own time. I am paying you to teach me about "subject".
They limit their cash flow by allowing us to not take electives and put us in classes that are not neccasarily connected to the degree in which we seek to attain.

I Don't always double post,
But when I do it annoys Sunni:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I got hit on by a guy today. Like hardcore. Which doesnt bother me. What i found wierd was that ive known the guy fr years and would never have pinned him as gay. Cool guy but god damn that was an awkward convo.


Well-Known Member
Earlier today I went to get a haircut, while walking past "the place" where people sell drugs (near the university) people offered me bud and I said, "no thx, I'm a med patient", and they were begging me to go buy them some kief from the nearby dispensary haha.


Well-Known Member
Earlier today I went to get a haircut, while walking past "the place" where people sell drugs (near the university) people offered me bud and I said, "no thx, I'm a med patient", and they were begging me to go buy them some kief from the nearby dispensary haha.
As someone over the pond I thought getting a med card was easy? And what's dispensary kief like? Hella expensive I bet


Well-Known Member
I got hit on by a guy today. Like hardcore. Which doesnt bother me. What i found wierd was that ive known the guy fr years and would never have pinned him as gay. Cool guy but god damn that was an awkward convo.


Well-Known Member
As someone over the pond I thought getting a med card was easy? And what's dispensary kief like? Hella expensive I bet
Yeah but today was actually also wednesday which is "half price hash wednesday"(buy 1, second half off type shit) at that particular dispensary and they include kief with it, so it ends up being $30 for 2 grams of either kief or bubble hash. But that particular dispensary is in a high traffic area and their grams are smaller than the one I go to so I wasn't interested either way. Plus they charge 10% tax hehe so it woulda been $33 for 2 grams. But I do have a membership card there, actually here's their menu: https://mmjmenu.com/dispensaries/654 they call your doc and verify your rec as do most of the legit ones.

Also yeah when I got my card I was the only legit person there and I just showed my prescription bottles and she gave me that paper for $75. They even accept walk-in's off the street. lol

My regular dispensary closer to my house sells ounces for $175-$200 but I just buy hash, no buds, they stock a dozen different strains of kief for $15/gram and a dozen bubble hashes from $15-$40/gram I stick to the $20/gram. I do buy their butter because it's crazy potent, $30 for a stick of butter with 2 grams of hash in the bottom of the container. This is in Seattle.


New Member
I got hit on by a guy today. Like hardcore. Which doesnt bother me. What i found wierd was that ive known the guy fr years and would never have pinned him as gay. Cool guy but god damn that was an awkward convo.

its not gay if you do the fucking.....

j/k thats gay as hell.


Staff member
went to the grocery store to find a chocolate bar, to which no luck all contained milk but didnt feel like making my own, so i decided to read the list of LACTOSE FREE chocolate icecream...."contains dairy"

i almost chucked it at the wall and left the place in tears all i wanted was a fucking chocolate bar i spent over 1 hour and 45 minutes reading labels.