FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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New Member
1) Fuck Alaska and having to own a plane to leave your own house. 2) There aren't basements in Texas :dunce: And I don't live with my mom :dunce:
1. Can you even fly a plane? Thought not.
2. Texas? That explains a lot.
3. Yes you do. Adventure time? Cute... but very gay. Grow up.


Well-Known Member
image.jpgHere are my sprouts at 3 weeks today from planting! The ones I started 2 weeks before you are 6 feet tall. With buds all over...


Well-Known Member
Nice. Those are a little small for 3 weeks...but they make me feel good about my sprouts that are on week 4.
They will blow up when I transplant, in two weeks they will be huge! I just have to time the vertical growth to align with my bloom room.I was just giving Thinbaggy some encouragement!


They will blow up when I transplant, in two weeks they will be huge! I just have to time the vertical growth to align with my bloom room.I was just giving Thinbaggy some encouragement!
that is the only reason they are so small, small containers for roots, if they were bigger pots the plants would be MUCH bigger, i promise.


Active Member

Stop posting all your photos of your non stressed non sense plants. Those are not going to produce nearly the dank dank dankity dank that Fin''s stressed o'plants are.
Scientifically proven that stunted plants that are subjected to MACH 5 force winds and fed milk and ashes of the ancestors are producing the greatest of all bud



Well-Known Member
It's counterproductive to post pics of healthy thriving plants? I am finally starting to comprehend this thread!
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