Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna run some Chemband seeds next go round. :)

And your right T, can't fight fire with fire, but it sure is fun though.


Well-Known Member
Yea, but most times ain't no turning around. I agree with the guy's purpose, hell i agree with killing dirtbag cops. Is this story national? i havn't seen it(not like espn would show that lol)


Well-Known Member
my lass has brought me magnifying glass in and took a few shots of one plant as only though after i already had out and waterd and cant be arsed again haha but sure will tomorow or sat,

also just got my 10 dogs and placed in glass water pots with soil in heated prop already and gona plant them in morning in there with both flaps on lid open couple table spoons room temp water over them to germanate should this work fine?

and not fuck them up like last haha



Well-Known Member
Damn that dude sounds like a badass mofo... They have created a monster and there is no one else to blame but themselves... Its amazing what people will put up with these days,, they pushed that guy a little too far though.


Well-Known Member
Thursday - Feb. 7 [12 p.m.]: A burning truck was located in the woods near Big Bear Lake. The San Bernardino Sheriff's Department confirmed later that the vehicle is Dorner's Nissan Titan. No one was in the truck.


Well-Known Member
I cant help but root for the guy.... Corrupt police have ruined too many innocent peoples lives and laugh at it, its entertaining to them, then they go on a paid vacation and get promotions... Sick sick people,,, power will corrupt most anyone.... We are dealing with the biggest gang in the US, police, and the us is the biggest gang on da erf.
bongsmilie ok you can hate me now.


Well-Known Member
I cant help but root for the guy.... Corrupt police have ruined too many innocent peoples lives and laugh at it, its entertaining to them, then they go on a paid vacation and get promotions... Sick sick people,,, power will corrupt most anyone.... We are dealing with the biggest gang in the US, police, and the us is the biggest gang on da erf.
bongsmilie ok you can hate me now.
I'm with you.



Well-Known Member
Evening 6er's!

Not much going on here tonight, it's a netflix kinda night.

On a positive note my beans shipped today :D


Well-Known Member
That guy is an LAPD Terminator on the loose. Good luck with that.

On a more up beat note..... Has anyone grown out "Black Cherry Soda" strain? I have a chance to pick some up for my next run and was hoping someone had a report.

Brent & Sams Chocolate Chip Cookie Time. :-)


Well-Known Member
Wake n bake, check me seeds in glass and maybe plant them in soil or kitchen paper 1st what you guys think best come on I'm shit with seeds help is out haha


I have a total of 1-1000w light mover,2-600wlumatec & DigitalGreenHouse,1-400w lumatec,1-kessil 150 magenta,1- 4ft.4bulb T5 H.O. Yield Master 2 surpreme 6" 110 liter per min comm.. Air pump (for my dwc but doin coco for noise control were im "stayin" till its gone so i can move agian;) butUSE A 600w ushio opti red super hps lol .. A my pride 600 lumatec with the 12v plug in optional lumatec made cooling fan.( i have to say that is awesome add on other luma fans agree too im sure) but vegged under two good size cfl for a while cause stealth issues(a move:[ ) then in the 2x4x5 tent with two 4" inlines stacked on my canfilter flowing out at the moment . I must say im pretty good at what i do i really optimized the space ive have super cropped/tied down opened them gals up and tricked the lil branches into thinkin there big dawgs lol ive got a sea of colas lol i took cuts 3 weeks in and omg these babys will be pounders if given one 600w each May i say hey to all and happy growin pals:) im a couple years into this i must say i have learned ALOT!! i amaze myself n others with the knack and passion i have for this. I think its caused my divorce or added to it. I dont agree wit that but thats another topic. Im just a 28 yrs old az dude with a lot of bad choices over the years but have found my "peace" that some call work/job and it a good feeling.. But you must be dedicated to the core or dont even do it please, these wonderful creations dont deserve disrespect. Treat your plants as you would a queen(ur wife or gf) like gold