Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Breast feeding ftw.
that's awesome! If it doesn't go as planned don't worry, sometimes they don't latch, or sometimes a womans body can become swollen retaining water and water pills are needed. This may cause you not to lactate enough do to all the peeing to get your body to not be swollen. I'm sure you'll be fine but don't beat yourself up over it if it doesn't go as planned. My brother inlaw is a certified genius who I can't really discuss here but he was bottle fed, don't worry too much about what the crazy breast feeding groups say in regards to being more of a woman because you can breast feed. Love is the answer, it always is. Good Luck!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You mean besides all the "Christians" that hate you simply for being 'you' and think levitacus is ok, except for the wearing anything but wool part, and the stoning adulters part and the working on the sabbath part etc...? Oh don't forget the not eating pork part either, that ones just about my favorite. I'm going to cook some bacon in the am.
Not to mention their insistence that Mormons aren't true Christians.


Well-Known Member
nooo, that's why I was taking notes! Gotta learn me some of those moves...I gotta make this thing work.
Is it a youtube video? If so just click on the insert video ^ button and then add the url from the video and say upload and wala ;)

I meant to say if it's a youtube video it's really easy all you do is [ youtube] video [/youtube ] and there is the video but if it's face book you gotta do it the other way.


Well-Known Member
OMG finally! damn thing, for youtube where video is you put everything that is after the = and then take out the spaces.