How are indoor growers exposed?


Well-Known Member
Agreed, a new 7500w jump will definitely get their attention as they will contact you and offer you a business power rate... hahaha (Which could be for the better..) you're self-employed, work out of the house, and have set up a new workshop in your basement.. multiple grinders/machines @30A/each will definitely help fit the footprint and not look so out of place.
When I poked around before, trying to find out how people got busted; I noticed the top two reasons people get busted (From people talking about how they got busted and news articles.) were 1)People calling the cops on their grow. 2) Stealing power and got caught. Like you said, too many ways to cover for a spike in usage.


Well-Known Member
Do you all actually think that the power company notifies the police about high power usage?


Well-Known Member
^for real thats like a gas station notifying the police someone is buying alot of gas.

its more money in the electric companies pocket (as long as youre paying it) so they dont mind haha


Well-Known Member
Do you all actually think that the power company notifies the police about high power usage?
Nope, I'd be more worried about the police finding enough other tell-tale hints that they get a judge to sign off on a subpoena for power records, which would just compound the issue and give them more firepower to obtain a no-knock.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
EDIT-YES, stealing power would be my new #1!

#1-Other knowing about your grow(jealous or angry friend/customer gets busted/gossip gets to wrong ears/ect.)

#2-Not taking care of odor issues(use carbon filters)

#3-Police or fire dept response to home for other reasons then the grow--tied--landlord or maintenance person coming in

#4-Neighbor reporting suspicious activity at your home

#5-Delivery person(USPS/UPS/FEDEX) reporting suspicious packages delivered to home

#6-Disgarding evidence in trash without securing it

#7-Using local grow shops especially in smaller cities near you

The very last and least threat to getting busted, even though it's pushed as a common threat is excessive electrical use. Most power companies do not flag excessive use to find people who are growing pot, they flag to investigate possible theft. Electrical consumption needs to be drastically high or regular use needs to have made a drastic change in order to be flagged at all, and most flags are just a phone call rather then an investigation. By drastic I mean A LOT. If say your electrical/gas bill is 50 a month it can go to 200-300 without being flagged, I don't know the threshold but it most cases it been 10X the regular use to be flagged and investigated, so to be safe don't exceed 5X normal use. Fact is, most power companies tend to flag accounts who drastically drop electrical or gas use rather then use more. Unless you are already being investigated for related activities your electric bill is the least of your worries. There are so many reasons and devices one could use legally that would raise electric rates high. The key is to have multiple rooms with multiple lights running on different light schedules rather then having all your lights running at the same time. Instead of having one large flower room have two smaller ones running on opposite schedules. If one flower runs 6am-6pm have the other running 6pm to 6am. With veg that's tougher but most veg rooms should be nowhere near the wattage of your flower room. And the installation of smart meters, which is only currently about 10% of the nation, are mainly used to help the customer get better rates and help the company to charge higher rates depending on time of use, they are not meant to monitor your activity and no meters can monitor how you use your electricity.

I'm out in the middle of nowhere now in a med legal state and mostly off grid power(diesel and solar) for my electricity but even when I was in the city, in both a home and an apartment, I never worried about electrical use. Only case to worry would be if you rent and the bill is not in your name or you have free utilities, this means in most cases the landlord sees the monthly statement every month and any changes would be noticed immediately by them.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
getting rid of exif data on pictures posted on here or other places.

If not they can look up almost the exact house you took the picture from.

Easy way to catch and be caught.
Absolute nonsense unless you are using a smartphone with geolocation. Please be specific with such claims.


Well-Known Member
#3-Police or fire dept response to home for other reasons then the grow--tied--landlord or maintenance person coming in
I never though about this one. I think this and a friend I may have had a falling out with would be my #1 and #2. I rent so I'm going to be most worried about a fire happening in another apartment or maintenance walking in while i'm not at home...


Well-Known Member
I think as long as you pay your electric bill, high power bills won't raise any eyebrows. I grow in my basement right next to my furnace and have heard if the cops have infared they have a harder time locking in on a grow. If it's right next to the furnace. Don't really know how true it is. I'm a legal cardholder and my electric bill went up 150 a month with my 2 rooms. Even more during summer running a/c and dehumidifiers. Needless to say I now grow my legal amount. Just letting them get bigger for more yield.


New Member
Can someone please explain how FLIR can detect my 75 degree grow room when my skin is at 93 degree constantly?
Because dumping 100* air from the exhaust of a couple 1000w hps into the cool 30* night air shows up on FLIR.

They can't legally look into your house with FLIR, they look for exhaust signatures coming from the house/windows.



Well-Known Member
also a steady jump in electric use that occurs on a 18/6 or 12/12 basis is all they really need to observe
Who exactly? Plod do not have time to randomly monitor electricity use. And electric companies will not highlight good customers who are paying them money, even if that customer has 18/6 then 12/12 peak habits. In my opinion you have to be flagged up by someone first as possibly growing, before they will monitor your electric and then have suspicion raised.