Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member

Bitch Took My Ring and

Gave Me the Finger
I Hate Every Bone In Her
Body But Mine

Ran Off With
My Best Friend

If The Phone Don't Ring, You'll Know It's Me
I'm So Miserable
Without You It's Like You're Still Here

She's Lookin' Better
with Every Beer

I Ain't Never Gone To Bed With an Ugly Woman But I
Woke Up With A Few

Wouldn't Take Her To
A Dogfight 'Cause I'm Scared She'd Win

If you don't feel well, make an appointment
to go to the doctor, by the time you
get there you'll feel better
Don't make an appointment and you'll stay sick.....


Well-Known Member
Painting the house today. Already got the patching and sanding done. Half the cuts done. Break time. Good thing i have plenty of smoke.


Well-Known Member
Weather's decent. I'm at Arrivals at the airport. Just seen Eric from Bio Nova. They're all flying in round about now. In prep for the exhibition. Can't wait !



Well-Known Member
Weather's decent. I'm at Arrivals at the airport. Just seen Eric from Bio Nova. They're all flying in round about now. In prep for the exhibition. Can't wait !

<~~~~ Not jelly at all, check out my extended forecast.... Is it April yet ? Can't get here fast enough for me

Edit. I'd probably die if I was on the east coast right now . I be bundled up at night here like its 5 below 0 out here ...lol


Well-Known Member
Threads closed left and right around here. Thought this place was for adults? Cant tell with all the whiny ass school yard tattle taling going on.


Ursus marijanus
<~~~~ Not jelly at all, check out my extended forecast.... Is it April yet ? Can't get here fast enough for me

Edit. I'd probably die if I was on the east coast right now . I be bundled up at night here like its 5 below 0 out here ...lol
They use Celsius over there. The asphalt must smoke in the trembling sunblast. cn


Well-Known Member
My male shepherd refuses to eat his food lately. It's not any illness he's just getting picky and doesn't want the same old same old. We've added some chicken broth and later beef broth. He'll eat that for a day or two then gets sick of it -.- picky bastard. It's not the food either because our female still devours it no problem


Ursus marijanus
My male shepherd refuses to eat his food lately. It's not any illness he's just getting picky and doesn't want the same old same old. We've added some chicken broth and later beef broth. He'll eat that for a day or two then gets sick of it -.- picky bastard. It's not the food either because our female still devours it no problem
Obvious cat poop deficiency. cn