1st Timer, not looking to spend a lot of money. Quick question

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

I know you guys say to have Nitrogen relatively high, because it's needed for stretch/growth. Since I'm in a very small PC box, i do NOT need growth at all haha. Someone said this somewhere on this forum: But it was stated in my post that I need to always have the nitrogen high? When i go to flower, i can only afford SOME growth due to the flowering/colas, so minimal growth is ideal.

"Gonna have to take exception to your comment about nitrogen in flower. This is the time to reduce nitrogen and increase phosphorus. Excessive nitrogen in the bud cycle can delay flowering."
Gotta have nitrogen. Best way to control growth is to flower earlier, top/LST.

Earlier you flower the smaller your plant will be at end of flower compared to a plant that is allowed to veg longer.

Topping will even out your canopy, and slow vertical growth for about a week. Even canopy=more light getting to more leaves=more bud.

Light Stress Training is bending the top growth tip lower than the secondary growth tips, and causes the secondary tips to grow faster. That evens out the canopy without recovery time.

While it is true that you don't want excessive nitrogen during flowering, you still have to have enough to maintain the plant. After the plant goes through it's flowering stretch (first 2 weeks of 12/12) it doesn't need as much nitrogen. So if you have 20-10-10 during veg, you can switch to 10-20-20 after the stretch. The plant is gonna stretch no matter what nutes you give her. If she is lacking what she needs, however, it will cause problems for the plant.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Also, do you happen to know why the hell do people spend so much on fox farm nutes of MG nutes are cheaper?
Fancy packaging. Unless it is an organic nutrient, it really has the same minerals as a cheaper brand.

In a nutrient look for the words nitrate nitrogen. That is the easiest for the plant to use. It is immediately available to the plant.

You also want a nutrient that has calcium, magnesium, sulfer, iron, and manganese. These are important nutrients.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
how's this?


Would that work in both veg and flower? it says 12-4-8 ...OR


That one is 12-9-6

My plant is about 1 month in from seed..I'd say about 5 inches tall, but because of my pc box size i probably only have another 8-9 inches before it hits the lights: it's in 60-70% ocean farm and rest perlite
Okay if you only have 8 inches left, I recommend you start flowering schedule tonight. You will need to LST to keep the plant from touching the lights most likely.

I am looking at nutrients now.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ok, miracle grow bloom booster is 15-30-15. looks pretty good so far. Trying to see if it has micro nutrients.

What kind of soil are you using again?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ok, miracle grow bloom booster is 15-30-15. looks pretty good so far. Trying to see if it has micro nutrients.

What kind of soil are you using again?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I would just use bloom booster miracle grow, or head to the hydro store and pick up some maxibloom for 15 bucks.


Active Member
Hey dude thanks so much for your time. Don't I want liquid nutes tho? Those all say granular. I'm also using ocean forest 60-70% and rest perlite

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
With both miracle grow bloombooster and maxibloom(General hydroponics) you add it to water.

When I water in small pots (which with a pc grow you have small pots) I like to warm the water first in the microwave to lukewarm (not hot) and mix in my fert. Then I ph it and add to plant.

Oh and if you are using tap, be sure to leave it out over night to get rid of chlorine.


Active Member
I'll take a picture hopefully today at some point if I can figure it out on my phone, else I'll have to wait until friday to use my girlfriend's camera. So started LST yesterday..the plant looks healthy but I know pictures will be great for you guys to really see. How do you advise on measuring either one of those nutes? Or would it be most accurate to first see my plant size/pot size?


Active Member
I really don't want to buy a ph tester on amazon for 17 bucks, so far the plant seems to be BLASTING every time i water it. I do leave the water in a gallon jugg w/o the top on for a few days though


Well-Known Member
I'll take a picture hopefully today at some point if I can figure it out on my phone, else I'll have to wait until friday to use my girlfriend's camera. So started LST yesterday..the plant looks healthy but I know pictures will be great for you guys to really see. How do you advise on measuring either one of those nutes? Or would it be most accurate to first see my plant size/pot size?
You don't mix nutes/ ferts (whatever you want to call it) by pot size, but by amount of water.
It's unnecessary with plants that small to mix a full gallon, so just half whatever your directions say, to 1/2 gal. of water.
That should be plenty to water and get runoff.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Pot size doesn't matter.

Ok.. for bloom booster (which I have a feeling you are gonna get) the label says:
Mix 1 teaspoon (not tablespoon) per gallon of water.
You DO NOT want to do that the first time you fertilize.

Start with a 1/4 dosage.

gallon container: 1/4 tsp mix in and ph test.

If you have left over water, it is ok. You have plenty of nutes.

After a week or so, if there is no sign of burning or lockout, up your nutes to half dosage. At this point you can mix in a gallon container or a measuring cup that holds a liter.

Gallon container: 1/2 tsp
Liter container: 1/8 tsp


Well-Known Member
Hey dude thanks so much for your time. Don't I want liquid nutes tho? Those all say granular. I'm also using ocean forest 60-70% and rest perlite
If it says 'granular' be careful it's not something meant to be mixed into the soil before planting, but the MG stuff in the 1.5lb boxes for 6 bucks is powdered, and you take a scoop and dissolve it in water then feed.


Well-Known Member
"Gonna have to take exception to your comment about nitrogen in flower. This is the time to reduce nitrogen and increase phosphorus. Excessive nitrogen in the bud cycle can delay flowering."
Bag that and use that as fertilizer outside this summer. BS is good for nitrogen. If one reads the plants instead of idiotic posts and one knows what one is seeing one knows many plants need a nitrogen boost shortly before chop while others do not. Feed up to the day you chop if the plant needs it. Forget the inane foolishness about flushing soil. That works on hydro and toilets only.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I really don't want to buy a ph tester on amazon for 17 bucks, so far the plant seems to be BLASTING every time i water it. I do leave the water in a gallon jugg w/o the top on for a few days though
Find a hydro store and buy a ph kit. They are cheap.


Once you start adding nutes it will change your water ph. It changes the most with veg nutes, but better safe than sorry.