no idea..a couple roots arent gonna get in the way..were talking about a mature bush that owns every inch of gotta till it and let it decompose for a bit.. let the soil life the stuff away and poop it back out.. if the soil life is healthy, it actually reproduces fast and eats soil fast..t
healthy biota usually colonizes in 48 hours. fungus are very invasive and hard to remove. meaning they populate and repdoruce very quickly..humans take a long time to complete the cycle..and not nearly as many times
plants do it once, but in a big amount..they are closer related to us than bacteria
little roots are just gonna turn into food probably within a month..someone has it written down how much every organic material takes to break down..go look if you really care that much lol
healthy biota usually colonizes in 48 hours. fungus are very invasive and hard to remove. meaning they populate and repdoruce very quickly..humans take a long time to complete the cycle..and not nearly as many times
plants do it once, but in a big amount..they are closer related to us than bacteria
little roots are just gonna turn into food probably within a month..someone has it written down how much every organic material takes to break down..go look if you really care that much lol