Well-Known Member
dont soully rely on RIU to help you
happens to me every night man, and it's only getting worse lately. I'm glad you made this thread because I was coming close to making one myself. Will be trying some of the advice given, thanks folksto clear a few things up im in my mid 20s. i smoked from age 13 till 23. so thats why i dont rule out the harmful chemicals in cigs as helping me sleep...the entire time i was a smoker cigs were a sleep if i were in bed and couldnt sleep i would just go outside...smoke a cig...and boom id be out. so like i said. idk what cigs have to do with it (beyond the nicotine which i still get some)
so idk.
i feel ive built up a tolerance to the melatonin as it seems to be taking longer to fall asleep like its not as effective anymore. i take 3mg tablets by the way (1 tablet 30 mins before i intend on going to sleep). usually at the end of the 30 mins ill start yawning and realize its kicking in.
sometimes i cant sleep because of thoughts racing in my head...
but other times im actually tired and i WANT to go to sleep but i cant actually FALL ASLEEP.
last night i laid in bed for 2 hrs (2hr 30 min since taking the melatonin) trying to sleep b4 i did.
whats even worse is sometimes i dont feel tired at night when its "bedtime" but during the day ill be dragging ass cuz im finally sleepy...soon as night falls: boom. wide awake. (even if i dont "nap" during the day from being so deprived of sleep)
idk if its stress of the cigs but thats the only two things that have changed (and they changed at the same time) that im aware of in my life.
beyond melatonin idk what to do and i dont wanna start upping my dose on it because frankly i dont like "medicines" in the first place and im always hesitant to abuse the suggested dosage.
You could also try L-Theanine or chamomile ( Scroll down a bit for the relation to sleeplessness.thanks guys. this is helpful. might take a week or two to figure out the right combo of remedies but its certainly a starting point.
ugh! last night...insomnia returned.
i laid off the melatonin fri and sat nite hoping that sunday it would knock me out.
well i took it 40 mins before in bed...and proceeded to lay in bed and yawn my ass off for about 3 hrs before i fell asleep. so instead of getting my usual 7 hrs of sleep (when i do fall asleep as planned on time) i only netted about 4 hrs. whats worse is i woke up each and every one of those hrs for no real reason (didnt have to pee or nething).
so this morning im dead tired. luck would have it that soon as the alarm goes off i realize im so tired that i could roll over and EASILY fall asleep but nope...time to get up.
this really blows.
idk what its gonna take to make me fall asleep in 5 mins again w/o assistance. i miss those days so bad :'(
mine melts pretty quickly. usually i pop it in my mouth and by the time i get the water to my lips i can already taste a little powder.i don't know what brand of melatonin you're using but if it doesn't start melting the moment it hits your tongue it might not break down so well. a dissolving melatonin should go to work in no more than 20 minutes. if you miss the "window of effectiveness" you're going to be stuck wide awake. the shit is weird like that.
try a benadryl an hour before bed, and take the melatonin right before bed. if it's not a melty brand then chew the shit if you have to. not kidding. if you take melatonin an hour before bed you may be missing a big chunk of the effectiveness window depending on how well it breaks down. if you feel even a little tired go the fuck to bed asap. if you "fight it" in any way you will NOT be sleeping that night.
i use the cvs store brand melatonin. it melts so fast that if i don't have water ready i'm swallowing dust. trader joe's has a mint flavored chewable melatonin but each pill is only a half mg (500 micrograms) so sometimes i'll take 4 or 6 at a time to get the full 2-3 mg i require for sleep. when i use that brand i go through it pretty quickly but it's pretty cheap at around 5 bucks a bottle.