Dear RIU HELP ME!! *sleep issues for a year goin insane*


Well-Known Member
Im losing my mind...and body. slowly but surely.

All my life ive been able to put my head on the pillow and be asleep WITHIN (literally) 5mins w/o any meditating no counting sheep, no yoga no herbel sleepy teas, no sleeping pills, nothing.

NOW for the past year sleep has been my enemy. im not sure what keeps me from sleep. idk if its the fact I quit smoking cigarettes a year ago....or if its all the stress im under on a day to day basis or what but SOMETHING keeps me from sleep.

I thought it was cigarettes that put me to sleep so quick and i can say im at least sure its not nicotine keeping me awake as ive been still getting nicotine throughout the past year even though i dont smoke (alternative methods like gums, electronic cigarettes, etc.). its possible (i guess) that something ELSE in the cigs (one/some of the 4,000 chemicals found in cigs) is what put me to sleep every night w/ ease? if i ever had trouble sleeping id go smoke a cig and boom lights out. so idk.

it could be the stress but im not too sure on that cuz after a year of being in a stressful situation you'd think i'd adapt to it but idk.

and it can't be that im "just not tired" cuz thats not true. i work. go to school and have rigorous workouts 5 days a week (mild weightlifting, moderate cardio for a total of 45mins-1hr 5 days a wk)

i got to the point earlier in the year where i wasnt sleeping more than 2 hrs a night for 3-4 days straight. i was honestly ready to die i felt so crappy (my days begin @ 7a and i dont get much freetime till night so going 3-4 days w/o sleep is tough when you have lots of crap to get done. i tried "melatonin" (all natural stuff) and it was doing the trick but i think ive built up a tolerance to it as last night it took 2hrs longer than normal to fall asleep.

i really dont want sleeping pills (i hear they are really bad for you and shorten your life) but i also dont know how to fix this w/o venturing out and buying a pack of cigs and seeing if a cig before bed is the cure (hahah) or buying sleeping pills.

Can someone help me please? im begging and if this wasnt the internet you'd see me on the floor waiting to kiss someone's shoes.

captain sleepless

meechz 024

Active Member
smoke a bowl or two of real purple kush, 30 minutes before bed and tell me you don't feel like sleeping for 12 hours. Sometimes it gets me so lazy that I don't even make it to my bed and sleep on the couch.


Well-Known Member
also...before anyone jumps up and says "SMOKE SOME BUD" before bed i should put it out there that i havent had a 100% indica in about a year. i havent even had an indica dominant hybrid. everything has been at least 60% sativa and higher (as high as 95% sativa)

plus im not too sure that it works for me unless i smoke so much indica bud that i have a panic attack then pass out from the exhaustion of having a full blown panic attack.

so idk what to do guys/gals of RIU. i eat good food. take vitamins daily. im in pretty close to tip-top shape (minus a 6 pack that im working on getting). im not overweight at all. so idk what gives but im desperate.


Well-Known Member
smoke a bowl or two of real purple kush, 30 minutes before bed and tell me you don't feel like sleeping for 12 hours. Sometimes it gets me so lazy that I don't even make it to my bed and sleep on the couch.
lol beat me to my post. lol

i would smoke some purple kush if i had some purple kush. all i have is sativas. they dont put me to sleep...they keep me up.

also from my experience many indicas dont put me to sleep either. some do. but many just make me yawn and drowsy but not enough to knock me out.

i do have a Black domina afghan kush cross (not sure which is male or female in the cross) from world of seeds thats almost all indica...i think i should plant it next since supposedly black domina is a "make u sleep" indica.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Is something missing in your life that you used to enjoy?

I know I have difficulty sleeping when I feel like I am missing a part of my day.


Well-Known Member
Medible an hour before bed? Exercise and melatonin, chew valerian root

My top suggestions, not much else you can do besides pills and fuck that, if you drink caffeine cut it out completely I'm a caffeine addict


New Member
Are you getting older? age....? sounds like you should try a non benzo sleeping pill....ambien...lunesta ect... talk to your dr. Also
you should get a sleep study done you may have a medicle problem apnea...ect....

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Having a laugh before bed and going to bed with a partner works for me. Sometimes have to force myself to go to bed tho.


Well-Known Member
Nicotine is a stimulant, so I imagine that's contributing to keeping you up. Do you partake in some nicotine not long before bed? Smoking cigarettes definitely won't help. I would think it would be your stress that is keeping you up also. Are you in a different set of circumstances than you were a year ago? I know stress is a reason I can't get to sleep sometimes. Try eating some turkey and watching some football. Works for me everytime. :-P


Well-Known Member
Berkley Patient Care has "Goosh Oil" just an Indicia extract. if I eat a 1/3 gm at 8pm by 10 I'm out for 6 hrs. Not too heavy the next day either.
I've been sleeping poorly ever since Bush was president!


Well-Known Member
Up until I was about 12 years old, I was able to sleep within 10 minutes of putting my head on my pillow. For the past 25 years I do not get more than 6 hours of sleep a night, sometimes less. Only when I am completely exhausted or drunk can I fall asleep quickly. On a rare occasion I can sleep more than 8 hours. What has helped...

Eating better, sleeping pills, the gym, sexy time with the ladies, making sure whatever tasks I wanted completed for the day have been. There is nothing worse than trying to go to sleep when you know you have incomplete tasks for the day, that you know could have been completed. Makes my mind race a mile a minute.

I've heard meditation helps. I may try that.


Staff member
i sleep maybe 3 hours a night honestly, and im not a lazy person im exhausted if i do sleep its during the day


Well-Known Member
One of the reasons I am no longer at work.. Chronic pain lets you sleep when IT wants you to... I sleep on the floor at the foot of my wife's bed most of the times.. I move way too much during the night and she works..

Medibles work great as another poster said..

smoking buds no matter what the strain.. has never made me sleepy..


Well-Known Member
Thats because you smoke good shit, the crappier weed I buy is perfect for giving you mouse pussy eyes and putting you to bed for a few hours. I am also not normaly capable of sleeping through though.


Well-Known Member
i am an insomniac. i totally relate. i take melatonin to help and i believe it keeps me asleep a little longer. sometimes i take benadryl, klonopin, zanaflex, melatonin, and weed and still can't sleep. i have taken seconal with no luck. you gotta be cool when you sleep, don't watch tv or be on the computer before you try to sleep either, that's a stimulant. don't take a hot shower or exercise before bed either. i also read in bed sometimes and that helps. mrs sunnyboy goes to sleep before her head hits the pillow and snores like a freight train. it can make you feel crazy, i understand why Michael Jackson did what he did to sleep. good luck :eyesmoke:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i am an insomniac. i totally relate. i take melatonin to help and i believe it keeps me asleep a little longer. sometimes i take benadryl, klonopin, zanaflex, melatonin, and weed and still can't sleep. i have taken seconal with no luck. you gotta be cool when you sleep, don't watch tv or be on the computer before you try to sleep either, that's a stimulant. don't take a hot shower or exercise before bed either. i also read in bed sometimes and that helps. mrs sunnyboy goes to sleep before her head hits the pillow and snores like a freight train. it can make you feel crazy, i understand why Michael Jackson did what he did to sleep. good luck :eyesmoke:
How hot is hot? lol If I take I warm shower before bed it puts me to sleep. So fresh and Clean.

Cold showers are what ladies need to avoid. Increases heart rate.

Also I tickle fight the husband and play with his junk a bit. If we don't have sex, the physical closeness still either wears meout or relaxes me.



Well-Known Member
Sometimes (like lately) my sleep is pretty crappy, regardless of mj. Of course, I am not sure what I get, which is why I am trying to grow - then I can see if some type helps or not. If I were me, I might try some of the things the OP already does. So, I have no suggestions except don't do whatever it is I'm doing wrong.