Powerplant Coolwing Reflector

Where can i buy a light like Powerplant Coolwing Reflector, the reason i cant buy that one is the only store i can find that sells it has scammed alot of people. Thanks for the help people

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It needs 2 holes on the sides so I can addd a carbon filter and extraction fan


Well-Known Member
Brand name aside, any air-cooled hood should work. And then ask yourself why you would filter hood cooling air? If air is out-side - - ->over the lights - - - >back outside, then why filter it? You filter your room air.


Well-Known Member
im in the same boat, getting my startup grow going. ill be using a cool hood as well. which means 2 seperate ducting and 2 fan systems. 1 duct/fan setup for the hood only, then the other for removing /circulating in-tent air.


Well-Known Member
im in the same boat, getting my startup grow going. ill be using a cool hood as well. which means 2 seperate ducting and 2 fan systems. 1 duct/fan setup for the hood only, then the other for removing /circulating in-tent air.
Or you could do this... One fan. One duct. Keep it simple.



Well-Known Member
so you just have an exit duct running from the a/c hood? air intake would be from other side of the hood. good idea. id have to vent then exiting air into a carbon filter outside my tent in the basement. i dont have any direct acess for venting tent air.


Active Member
If your removing the air with any coolhood that has spigot plates on both sides you can just use 1 fan & filter. Eg. Filter>Ducting>Coolhood>Ducting>Fan>Ducting out the room. Its that simple. You dont need two fans, thats what i was going to do with 2 lights untill Jondamon pointed me in the right direction. 1 filter, 1 fan :) Keep it simple. Heres a blueprint with 2 coolhoods, just use this as a template :) GL
That is a frame, you'd putt all that into a room, then extract the filterd air out the room with the fan :)