FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Well-Known Member
Ya'll don't even realize how many times you have switched points, just because your points become irrelevant to anything. :lol: Like the rice, remember when that was such a horrible thing. And the milk, "oh god no, not milk!!" :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ya'll don't even realize how many times you have switched points, just because your points become irrelevant to anything. :lol: Like the rice, remember when that was such a horrible thing. And the milk, "oh god no, not milk!!" :lol:
and then your grow was all fucked up and u decided to tell everybody this is a stress grow............. your a fukn liar


Well-Known Member
It will come out super dank. I have REAL genetics this time, and a REAL flower light coming in the mail. Look at my sig, my old grow. That was with reggie seeds and fluorescent to flower, so comparing what I had to work with last time and what I came out with that time, to what I have to work with this time. It's like guaranteed to be some good good good. Not just that good good.
stress grow????????????


Well-Known Member
It's because of the fluorescents. I always seem to have this problem, because of the weaker light it just seems to give them a more yellow tint. They're fine though, as soon as I get them the nutes they need. I've only nuted them once, and only with like 1/3 a dose of nutes.
stress grow????


Well-Known Member
Now your just spittin straight bullshit. I've seen people (in Texas, in highschool) vegging in complete darkness, other than a single 60-80w halogen bulb in a desk lamp. And their plant got like a foot and a half high. If a 80w halogen can do that much by itself, I'm sure a 400w halogen will be helpful to my over 500w of fluorescents :dunce: .
i thought u said juvy?????????


Well-Known Member
And I only grew 3 plants the last 2 times. If the 400W (the light I have now was new before) made a noticeable difference on 3 plants, I figure 400w will make a good base, and the extra 100-200w of CFL's I have are a good additive, then the Halogen will make a perfect bonus once they get big enough.
just doesnt sound like a guy doin a stress grow...........but this is only page 21


Well-Known Member
Alright, this shit made me laugh so I thought I would share it. It's the description for one of his youtube videos.

Published on Feb 15, 2013

Every dollar counts, but larger donations will receive a free gift.
Donate $20+ and receive a free sticker. Donate over $50+ and receive a free t-shirt.

Adventure Time with FinShaggy is a new online series I am putting together that will do things that have never been done before, and it is past the planning stages (Look it up online).

1) We will be educating people about Cannabis, as well as reviewing buds and showing you how to grow your own.
(Been done before I know)

2) We will be making hash, using some methods that haven't been popular since the 60's and other techniques that the pro's use today, but try to hide. I will also be proving the benefits of stressing a plant for alkaloid production, which is a fairly controversial subject.
(Been done before, but kinda secret stuff)

3) Testing the effects of research chemicals on a marijuana grow, which is groundbreaking. These chemicals are VERY understudied, and I may be the first person to test some of them from a botanical stand point.

4) We will be showing how Cannabis is used religiously and how you can use it ceremonially yourself.

5) We will be showing you the inside of medical dispensaries, in the now recreationally legal state of Colorado, and we will document the change from medical to recreational.

6) We will bring the 4/20 rally and many other events to you through picture and film :)

If you would like to support us with a donation, please do so here:

I think #3 is my favorite. What a fucking tool.

Oh yeah. And you're real fucking popular on youtube and you get lots of views and comments for your uploads, right? That video has been up almost a week, it has 16 views (half are probably by accident), zero comments, and one thumbs down. Yeah, you're real fucking popular on the internet.


Well-Known Member
You guys keep acting like I'm new to growing... Looks like it's time for show and tell now :D Update will come in like a hr or two, once I post these pictures, and it warms up a bit here. 7:30am in Colorado is cold for a sick mofo... Show and tell will be in a moment though...
stress grow?????
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