FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Except, they aren't facts. :lol: I love how all of you say that I have delusions of grandeur, then you act like this
People making fun of you is not even close to delusions of grandure. "This" way that people are acting to you is bore out of your attitude and nothing else. It's not delusional of the grandiose variety to make fun of what is so easy to make fun of. :dunce: In fact it's not delusional in anyway whatsoever. Is entertaining yourself delusional? No, it is not. Get a dictionary.

Noun1.delusions of grandeur - a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really aredelusion, psychotic belief - (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary

megalomania - a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur



Well-Known Member
you said light is not a stress . . .. i responded with phototropic repsonse(as it is exactly that lgiht stress)

i know all to well how you work be back in a few with your pages of mis-information to either dispute or disprove as you requested

like 12-12 represents a winter sun to funny i bet someone finds a new quote
You aren't proving anything, you are just completely missing the point and you don't even see it :lol: The point was the plant thinks it is going to die. Not that it was Winter or Summer or whatever. The point was that the light represents to the plant, what the sun does before the plant dies, letting the plant know it is going to die. Thanks for trolling, play again next time :lol:


Undercover Mod
[h=2]Getting Arrested[/h]
I had only smoked once (the story is written above). But we were going to spend $90 on our first sack. Me and my best friend, got some of our Christmas money together, and I talked to my friends dealer. I gave him the money, and he said he would have it to us later that week (looking back that was a stupid, dumbass, dipshit move. But it ended not going bad
So we waited

The next day he came up to me and handed me a sack. He said somebody else had given him $20, but then not showed up to school. So he needed to get rid of it, and gave it to me. I had some paper that I could use as joint paper, and used it to roll up a joint, and hid it in my jacket. I was going to smoke it on the way to the outdoor classrooms, in portable trailer type things. But I got to math class, and showed the sack to a couple of friends who were long time stoners, and one of them told me "Smoke a bowl." (Out of a metal 'Eclipse' gum container I had, that was rigged to be a pipe)
I said "No, were in class."
But he kept saying "Smoke a bowl... ...Smoke a bowl... ...Smoke a bowl... ..."
And I kept saying, "I'm in a classroom... ...We're taking a quiz... ...NO... ..."
But finally I was done with my quiz and he said, "Smoke a bowl. I'll sit on your desk, and you can use your backpack to block the side."
So finally I gave in.
He sat on my desk, and I put my backpack up, to create like a wall. I broke up some bud, and put it on the holes poked into the side of the gum container.
I flicked the lighter, and hit it once.
My friends SLAMMED his hand down on my desk, and confused, I went to take another hit.
He slammed his hand down again and said, "He's coming!" And I hid the pipe and lighter beside me RIGHT AS the teacher was walking up...
He looked at me, and he said, "That was obvious."
Me and my stoner friends in the class each grabbed a bottle of Ax cologne, and sprayed it as we ran out of the class...I hid my weed, and freaked out the rest of the day. But nothing happened.

Later that week I was in History(with the sack on me), the classroom door was open, and the Principle walked in the doorway, and began to scan the classroom. His eyes stopped on me...He pointed his walkie talkie, and said "Have a nice day." But I freaked the fuck out, and the girl next to me said, "You look like you just saw a ghost."
Later in that SAME class period I got called down to the office. I asked the girl next to me to hold the weed, and she did. Then I went to the office.
When I got to the office I knew I was fucked, I was just fucked.
They told me, "Go to the assistant principals office."
I went in, and my friend was sitting there. Earlier that day, she had decided to wear her slippers, and had given me her shoes to hold in my backpack, so that she didn't have to carry them around all day.
The teachers didn't want her wearing slippers, and needed me to give her her shoes.

Then a couple days later, I fell asleep in my 3rd period class.
I woke up. And the assistant principal was in my classroom, he said " (My name) come with me."
And I asked, "Should I bring my backpack?"
He said, "Yes."
When they say "yes", that means they want to search you...So I knew I was fucked, I had the weed on me...
We went to hos office, and a cop came in.
They went through my backpack together and found nothing. Then asked me to empty my pockets.
I had a couple lighters and said, "I found those."
They said, "You aren't supposed to have them." and I apologized...

Then the ass. principle (
) says, "Let me see your phone."
I said, "My phone is right there."
He said, "Then what's that?"
I said, "My belt buckle."
He said, "Take off your belt."
And hidden behind my belt buckle, was THE TINIEST little sack of weed. Like, you could curl your pinky around it.
And it fell to the ground...
The cop said, "What's that?"
I said, "I don't know."
But he of course, already knew.
So he took me to jail...​

This literally blew my mind.
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