Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Went to sleep around 11pm last night. It was 40 degrees so I opened my window and fell asleep. Woke up around 2am shivering and wet. It was 23 degrees and snow was blowing into the room and covering my blankets. my window was frozen open so I had to chip away at the ice to close it. I didn't even know this damn storm was coming. grrr!!!!


Active Member
Went to sleep around 11pm last night. It was 40 degrees so I opened my window and fell asleep. Woke up around 2am shivering and wet. It was 23 degrees and snow was blowing into the room and covering my blankets. my window was frozen open so I had to chip away at the ice to close it. I didn't even know this damn storm was coming. grrr!!!!
lolwtf. Don't ya just love huge shifts in the weather.. thats gotta be pretty unpleasant to wake up to. Hope you don't get sick.


Well-Known Member
Went to sleep around 11pm last night. It was 40 degrees so I opened my window and fell asleep. Woke up around 2am shivering and wet. It was 23 degrees and snow was blowing into the room and covering my blankets. my window was frozen open so I had to chip away at the ice to close it. I didn't even know this damn storm was coming. grrr!!!!
That sux. Now to rub it in. 70 degrees in Texas today. Going to mow my lawn today, hate that kinda gardening!


Well-Known Member
looks like a really fun game, for some reason I thought cn would enjoy it :D


Well-Known Member
It was a serious medical question, the photos were to illustrate the problem.

Beardo, I miss you. Hope you are well. You need to shave that hot mess, so you can see more clearly what is happening (and hygiene is not a greeting). I couldn't tell much. How does it feel?


Well-Known Member
Had an awesome b-day party and an even better night at the hotel.

2 noise complaints from the front desk and a knock on the door from a person a room over.

Guess the ladies were a little loud.:hump:



Well-Known Member
Also, I'm gonna go chop the rest of my harvest, so to all the posters of RIU if I start making really rude and nonsense posts it's because I'm super high. And I apologize in advance.