bird mcbride
Well-Known Member
In my opinion growing mj is not the act of a criminal unless it is being done for the sole purpose of monotary gain. The first time I got arrested with a qp in 1978 with three other people in the vehicle. I made claim at the vehicle to keep everyone else from getting involved but later declined any statement. The bail was set at $60 and I declined that also. I yip yap and had fun with everyone while I was locked up. A week later I went for a show cause hearing and the judge wanted to know the other three peoples involvment in the incident. The others had long gone as even I was a transient. That leaving doubt that the substance may have belonged to one of the other persons. I was discharged and I got $21 cash for serving 7 days. This was not the last time I've been discharged because of unusual circumstanses where the police left to many loose ends. I was arrested last year and I was told that I wasn't eligible for legal aid because there wasn't any danger of me being incarcerated for the mj