Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I don't think i'm shaving my balls for you but don't take it the wrong way, i wouldn't shave my balls for any man. And i'm not shaving them for the ladies, these broads have no standards, sure they act like they are all that but and expect all sorts of things, but when it comes down to it they will let you bang them and they"ll suck your hairy balls and you don't even need to buy them dinner or drinks and sometimes they'll even do the dishes and laundry after, so i've gicen up on shaving my balls, i'm not out to impress anyone, theres no need. Anyways it feels like pain, like excrucating pain, like someone hit me with a baseball bat, sorry the pictures weren't better but one nut is the size of a lemon. I went to the hospital but i didn't like what they had to say, so i thought i'd share with all of you and see if anyone had anything good to say. Oxys and Jim Beam really help with the pain so it could be worse. I was planning on running a marathon and this has stopped me from practicing so now i'm afraid i might not be able to, oh well at least i can still play guitar.

what did they tell you?


Well-Known Member
wow, like 9 gigs of updating for World of Warcraft. This is easy 2 days worth lol. Damn you sunni making me notice the sale their having >< still not sure if I'll come back because I hate the thought of paying monthly for the shit but it'll be good to at least get it updated incase I do come back


Staff member
wow, like 9 gigs of updating for World of Warcraft. This is easy 2 days worth lol. Damn you sunni making me notice the sale their having >< still not sure if I'll come back because I hate the thought of paying monthly for the shit but it'll be good to at least get it updated incase I do come back
come back....


Well-Known Member
come back....
my friend has been telling me to do the same. Say's it's pretty good with pandara and not sure I'll be able to resist with pandara being 20 bucks, that's a low price!



Well-Known Member
Some kind of mumbo jumbo doctor talk about blood in my urine and stuff they see in a catscan and that it could be cancer and i should see a specialist, those fuckers, i hate going to doctors. They said they see stuff up in me that they don't like and said it's up where my overies would be if i were a woman, what is that? That doesn't even make sense. Well the good news is they said they weren't giving me a definitive diagnosis so i guess that's good.

Oh, fuck, man. Do not play around. Hopefully it is some form of STD, maybe from bus stop girl. YOU HAVE TO GET IT CHECKED OUT BY A SPECIALIST. It is not going to get better on its own. please, go.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, as much as i hate doctors and don't trust them and think they are sick evil freaks i am going to go to a specialist, i made an appointment. They were saying it could be testicular or lymphnic cancer and that freaked me out so im going next week and for now they have me on a lot of meds so im hoping for the best. Thanks. And to the other posts above about warcraft- don't do it. Get out into the real world.

lol once you play it's like selling your soul. I've quit and come back to it numerous times now :(


Well-Known Member
i could help
Yay! I actually got a nice one! (Figured I wouldn't lol) I just want my brother to see it. I set it to private and disabled comments but I have 15 views on it. And I just started my youtube account for this purpose, (to send videos between family members) so do I have to add him as a friend on my youtube account or something so he can see them? Or can he see them now and they're just not in the public newsfeed thingy?


Well-Known Member
Yay! I actually got a nice one! (Figured I wouldn't lol) I just want my brother to see it. I set it to private and disabled comments but I have 15 views on it. And I just started my youtube account for this purpose, (to send videos between family members) so do I have to add him as a friend on my youtube account or something so he can see them? Or can he see them now and they're just not in the public newsfeed thingy?
I think when you post them you can set it to be 'unlisted' where the only people that can see it are the ones who were sent the link :)


Staff member
Yay! I actually got a nice one! (Figured I wouldn't lol) I just want my brother to see it. I set it to private and disabled comments but I have 15 views on it. And I just started my youtube account for this purpose, (to send videos between family members) so do I have to add him as a friend on my youtube account or something so he can see them? Or can he see them now and they're just not in the public newsfeed thingy?
he would have to be a subbed to you to see the video, and give him the private view link

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how long beer will be good in a fridge? I got some 9 month old beer in the fridge. Was thinking about taking it to my baby shower for the guests. But I don't want to take them crappy tasting beer.