who's "rules" ...ounce we shred the constitution??


Well-Known Member
my father always said if they really wanted you to really know your rights every citizen would be issued a copy of the constitution and all up to date amendments.


Well-Known Member
The fact that this guy can purchase a rifle designed by the military to kill other human beings proves just how sick our society is.
No, that proves we have the 2nd Amendment. And we NOT would have gotten here, all the way to your birth, in a society, which you now strangely see as "sick," without the 2nd A.

You simply want to ignore history, most of us do not.


Well-Known Member
If the constitution is discarded I would favor a good Ceasar. A bad Ceasar would be trouble so I don't trust democracy to pick him for us.


Ursus marijanus
If the constitution is discarded I would favor a good Ceasar. A bad Ceasar would be trouble so I don't trust democracy to pick him for us.
The trouble with Caesars was ... a few good ones were embedded in a matrix of serious whack jobs. cn


Well-Known Member
The trouble with Caesars was ... a few good ones were embedded in a matrix of serious whack jobs. cn
I know, it sucks and don't know how to avoid the bad ones. We would take away the Ceasar by birth right and that might help some.

I'm thinking Harrison Ford.


Ursus marijanus
I know, it sucks and don't know how to avoid the bad ones. We would take away the Ceasar by birth right and that might help some.

I'm thinking Harrison Ford.
Never a celebrity. No way. Most of those cats got where they are by being able to do sincerity. cn


Well-Known Member
Harrison really pulls it off too, shame.

OK then, American Idol/survivor style judging. We could whittle candidates down to by voting based on important criteria. Like if they can rhyme, how they look in a suit, if they have a flat stomache, how well they can read aloud and who their daddy is.


Ursus marijanus
I suggest we go full paleo and have a poo flinging contest. Since time immemorial the mark of a great leader has been an alpha who always kept one locked&loaded and could produce it on demand, then bullseye the enemy leader's forehead at seventy yards. Disputes are resolved by close combat with no chance to wash their hands first. cn


Well-Known Member
I suggest we go full paleo and have a poo flinging contest. Since time immemorial the mark of a great leader has been an alpha who always kept one locked&loaded and could produce it on demand, then bullseye the enemy leader's forehead at seventy yards. Disputes are resolved by close combat with no chance to wash their hands first. cn
Go back? How is it any different, now? Mitt got a poo face. Obama had all power to the forward shields.

We have merely found, finally, across all history, a system to let the challenger live, it seems to me.

But, we have to accept the wide variety of challenge and challenger. They fight it out with very hurtful weapons that don't draw blood.


Ursus marijanus
Go back? How is it any different, now? Mitt got a poo face. Obama had all power to the forward shields.

We have merely found, finally, across all history, a system to let the challenger live, it seems to me.

But, we have to accept the wide variety of challenge and challenger. They fight it out with very hurtful weapons that don't draw blood.
We use sham poo. cn


Active Member
How about no rulers? If we didn't, we wouldn't need a constitution letting us know what right's we are allowed to have.


Well-Known Member
No, that proves we have the 2nd Amendment. And we NOT would have gotten here, all the way to your birth, in a society, which you now strangely see as "sick," without the 2nd A.

You simply want to ignore history, most of us do not.
MY bad. It is totally cool that some mentally ill jackass who wants to kill teenagers protesting can get a semiautomatic carbine. Hell, lets just hand them out at the insane asylum, 2nd amendment and all that. Clearly we should not set limits on who can get these weapons.

Yep, lets just allow rapists, the mentally ill, murderers and child molesters to have guns. Thanks for correcting me Doer, I wish we could all live in the society you envision.


Well-Known Member
MY bad. It is totally cool that some mentally ill jackass who wants to kill teenagers protesting can get a semiautomatic carbine. Hell, lets just hand them out at the insane asylum, 2nd amendment and all that. Clearly we should not set limits on who can get these weapons.

Yep, lets just allow rapists, the mentally ill, murderers and child molesters to have guns. Thanks for correcting me Doer, I wish we could all live in the society you envision.
Don't they all have guns now even with your awesome regulations? Just a couple more outta fix it eh? Even Bucky admits that our background checks don't work... there will always be psychos out there, the best we can do is defend ourselves and our families with very large and very awesome guns.

guns guns i love guns.


Well-Known Member
Don't they all have guns now even with your awesome regulations? Just a couple more outta fix it eh?
Prove to me that they all have guns. You don't think that the fact they can go back to prison for having a firearm keeps some from having them? I guess we should legalize murder too since it doesn't stop some people from murdering others! Awesome logic skills there.


Well-Known Member
Prove to me that they all have guns. You don't think that the fact they can go back to prison for having a firearm keeps some from having them? I guess we should legalize murder too since it doesn't stop some people from murdering others! Awesome logic skills there.
One day you will find out the difference between an action (murder) and an object (a gun). And no, I don't think rapist are worried about going back to prison because they have a firearm. I think their only concern is raping people and worrying about getting caught doing that.