FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Well fin, you are successful in one thing. This thread has successfully consumed almost every thought of mine since I discovered it yesterday.First in hysterical amazement at the sheer fortitude of your beliefs and assumptions. Second, in disgust at the way you call people fools, idiots and such when they are just trying to help. Third, in an unbridled desire to ridicule and insult you based upon your obvious distaste for any given advice from people who do what we do quite well.

Upon further contemplation I feel I have been a bit harsh on you. One of your theories is at least partially based on fact. It is true that stress on a species can make it stronger and yes arguably "better" .This, young botanist is called evolution. Factors like wind, heat or lack of heat, photo-period duration and intensity, viral and bacterial exposure as well as countless other variables contribute to change in a species' traits and characteristics.

the problem with you or anyone trying replicate evolution solely by a change in environmental factors is; that shit takes eons. Now, I can see that these pitiful little dwarfs you are torturing may take up to a decade to bear fruit, but, that still is not long enuf to see any noticeable POSITIVE changes in a species. You will see changes tho, we can all see them clearly. They just aren't positive. Things like stunted growth, yellowing,stretching,hermaphroditic tendencies and lastly DEATH cannot possibly be construed as positive improvements.


It is possible for man to change the characteristics of a species. This, budding horticultural pillar, is called cross-breeding. I am not going to explain this process as I can tell you have at least a basic understanding of the process. You stated that you were gonna save those nuts to pollinate those pitiful little whelps. The problem with this is, When breeding for quality you pick the best out of the litter not the runts. By pollinating a shitty plant with another shitty plant you don't get Dank Dank you get Shit Shit.



Well-Known Member
He gets credit for staying as stubborn as he is and maybe for having the ability to waste months of "growing" for nothing and still somehow making it a success in his head..

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
He gets credit for staying as stubborn as he is and maybe for having the ability to waste months of "growing" for nothing and still somehow making it a success in his head..
I don't give credit to someone who jumps head first into an empty pool after being told repeatedly said pool is empty. That is not creditworthy.

If stubborn defines this guy. Webster should amend its' definition.

Obtuse is more accurate:

American Heritage Dictionary:[h=2]ob·tuse[/h]

Home > Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary
(ŏb-tūs', -tyūs', əb-)

adj., -tus·er, -tus·est.
    1. Lacking quickness of perception or intellect.
    2. Characterized by a lack of intelligence or sensitivity

Read more:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I can field this one, he spams posts to develop himself as a sort of online mj personality, and doesn't focus on his plants, learning, or anything else critical to having solid bud... hence his post counts are through the roof, and his videos look like a 9 year old is growing their first plant or tree for earth day.. (it may survive, and if it does.. it's in need of critical care and much more in the way of phytology/horticulture skills than he could amass in his next 3 lifetimes(specific to him, not the 9 year old who's outgrowing him no matter the species in question))
true story gang

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
true story gang
Hey doc, since this is true why do you think rollie allows him to post such crap? Since he is out there on youtube and such claiming RIU as his home, doesn't this reflect poorly on us as a community?

It is for comic relief isn't it? Or to draw ppl in so they will laugh at him and become members?

Just curious cuz I am so enjoying this thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey doc, since this is true why do you think rollie allows him to post such crap? Since he is out there on youtube and such claiming RIU as his home, doesn't this reflect poorly on us as a community?

It is for comic relief isn't it? Or to draw ppl in so they will laugh at him and become members?

Just curious cuz I am so enjoying this thread.
Nah its just free advertising for the site... anyone that reads will see there is plenty of good info being offered... if anything it prolly does improve chances of hits and people joining... not because of him, but because they see that people put up with him... and are even STILL TRYING to feed the dead horse good carrots ;)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey doc, since this is true why do you think rollie allows him to post such crap? Since he is out there on youtube and such claiming RIU as his home, doesn't this reflect poorly on us as a community?

It is for comic relief isn't it? Or to draw ppl in so they will laugh at him and become members?

Just curious cuz I am so enjoying this thread.
not sure why. could very well be the 2 reasons you stated above.

I like reading this thread for the comedic gold, but it moves to fast. you miss a day and you fall way behind. so I missed a lot lately. but I'm sure this thread is still hella funny


Well-Known Member
not sure why. could very well be the 2 reasons you stated above.

I like reading this thread for the comedic gold, but it moves to fast. you miss a day and you fall way behind. so I missed a lot lately. but I'm sure this thread is still hella funny
haha yeah luckily we can count on Fin to stay Faggy and the comedy will keep Growing...

Miss a day and your not missing anything important... miss the grow and your still not missing much... but its an experience thats for sure haha.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Nah its just free advertising for the site... anyone that reads will see there is plenty of good info being offered... if anything it prolly does improve chances of hits and people joining... not because of him, but because they see that people put up with him... and are even STILL TRYING to feed the dead horse good carrots ;)

yup, I agree. Personally tho, Until I see him say "maybe this wasn't such a good idea", or simply give thanks to just one of the compassionate folks who doggedly try to help this kid. The only carrots he gets from me are rotten.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
In the morning the cock sings, Why is the cock singing? The hen laid an egg, that will grow up to be a chicken.....Shiva was extremely pleased by this and rewarded the cock with divine status.:dunce::dunce:


Well-Known Member
not sure why. could very well be the 2 reasons you stated above.

I like reading this thread for the comedic gold, but it moves to fast. you miss a day and you fall way behind. so I missed a lot lately. but I'm sure this thread is still hella funny
I think it's boring now. Everyone has had their shots at this sad grow. Now it's just tired.
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