Dabump's Love Chamber (600w Perpetual)


Active Member
I wish a group of some of the people on this forum lived in a neighborhood together so we could all grow different strains and watch out for each other babies where one person is strong in a certain area of growing the other vice versa to make through the process til everyone is a master grower and we knew everyone we would never smoke the same strain 2x and imagine a block party...


Well-Known Member
yeah that would be awesome man . just a collection of friendly honest growers to hang out with and grow some mj. but unfortunatly not in this word today. even your own family will rob you for that precious smoke. pretty sad really since mj is non narcotic so there is no addiction associated with it.


Well-Known Member
i personally dont like trimming if your talking about fan leaves...

if your talking about cloning then i would just pop some more beans and call it a day. personally seedbanks are your best friend, fem seeds work great and theres no guess work. i havent looked for sex on any plants in a yeah and a half..get a hermie once in a while and just deal with it, sometimes i collect pollen other times i just pinch nanners..

either way better than starting 5 plants to end up with 1


Well-Known Member
Tis true. I clipped a bit of leaf off of them... I think these are gonna root. I'm pickin up good vibes off of them. I think that dark stuff is either mold or fungi. When I get home I'm gonna hot the one that is getting it right now with some neem and see if it stops it.


Well-Known Member
So does anyone have any good ideas as far as a drip system for my plants while I'm on spring break?


Well-Known Member
So does anyone have any good ideas as far as a drip system for my plants while I'm on spring break?
whats your budget on this?

for around 40 bucks you can pick up a pump, some sprayers and some PVC and just set it on a timer to run for a min or 2 every day, digital timer would be needed for such a small on/off window. analog timers only run incriments of 15 min and i think 15 min a day will flood


Well-Known Member
I think that's what I'm gonna do. I got a couple digi timers... nvm I have 1 but I'll just buy another analog timer. and use my digi for the pump.

that budget is fine. I'll head to Lowes and see if I cant find all that stuff.


Well-Known Member
might have to go to the hydro store to get the pump, the smallest one they have should be around 12 bucks and should work just fine. you can also look for waterfountain/birdbath pumps that will work


Well-Known Member
Got the pump at lowes. I'm gonna get the splitter and the "T" later I'm gonna punch holes in the bottom of a loop of tubbing and I'm gonna wrap it around the bottom of my plants and I'm gonna have it kick on every 3rd day. I'm going to run the tube up out of the 5g then I'm going to split it and run to each pot and have a "T" there and a loop with holes in the bottom. Set them up with buckets beside them put 1 gallon in each bucket and mark that line. put 3 gallons in with the pump. Turn it on time how long it takes to get to 1g on both sides.