FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Update tonight or tomorrow and don't forget at harvest there's gonna be a video of my mom.
why would you post a video of your mother? this is just sad, and slightly pathetic... you cry trolling 24/7 and then post shit like this. I'm not even going to comment further on this stupidity, I feel bad for your family, especially your poor mother.


Active Member
i understand what you are saying but i was under the impression his mother was a grower jmho
:bigjoint: pease
why would you post a video of your mother? this is just sad, and slightly pathetic... you cry trolling 24/7 and then post shit like this. I'm not even going to comment further on this stupidity, I feel bad for your family, especially your poor mother.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
fin where is the bloody update?? you're dropping the ball here man. This thread is the only thing related to you're grow that is thriving, don't let it die


says the guy that is a champion at Snake tournament. go drink some bleach
What does the snake game have to do with this, growing in general or being at all relevant to the conversation?...You sound like a bigger idiot than the OP, Ive been here a year longer and have 1/4th the posts you do....need I go on about who spends more time staring at a screen stroking their ego on a forum?...I didnt think so :lol:

whether his mother is a grower or not, well I really dont know but even if she is, she doesnt deserve to be mocked on a forum, have a little fucking respect for your mother, she did make you, and by the way, telling people to drink bleach or commit suicide or any of that type of shit on a forum is not only pretty fucked up but IMO its pretty immature and childish, I guess with the continuity of this shit-show thread and the way we treat trolls here immature and childish behavior is not only accepted, its encouraged....BUT, I digress....Have more respect for the person that grew you, geez.


Well-Known Member
whether his mother is a grower or not, well I really dont know but even if she is, she doesnt deserve to be mocked on a forum,
I thought he was talking about the mother PLANT?
Does he mean his maternal progenitor?

"I'm so confused" - Vinnie Barbarino Ph.D.



i dont know, I couldnt be bothered to read 540 some pages of bullshit, hopefully he is talking about his mother plant, I for one, really hope so...but if he wasnt, sadly I would not be surprised.


Active Member
Don't fear Trons, Trolls and Trannies.

The fin has made an update on his monster grow of dank dank



Well-Known Member
It lookz (and sounds) like he is concentrating all of his 'talents' on his rapping these days.....

I wont post the video here....
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