the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
im hung da fuck over.. done drining for a while man.. feel like death... passed out at da club.. threw up in da trash can a lil... 2 niggas got stabbed on division right outside da club.... the club still got my debit card n i.d.


Well-Known Member
i feel like i gotta throw up but cant... i bought a pack of ciggs.. lol i smoked one and gave da pack away.... i was soo fucking done.. was drinking coors light, absinth, some kind of honey liq. heinikens, long islands... lots lots of weed.. i almost smashed a bouncer.. i ost my coat and dude told me were ur dumb ass leaveit.. i was ike wtf u call me my nigga... he aint say sht... no more booze for me for a while....