Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2551222RIP Chicoshico. He made it all the way from Chico, CA to Medford, OR to be with me. Barking little shit. Loved that guy. Ya still a blubbering mess.
Sorry to hear that rainbow. The gilt I was helping give birth yesterday didn't make it through the night either. Must have been too much for her. She managed to have 8 healthy little piglets first. Now I get to bottle feed.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your losses Rainbow and God. It is better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all. - somebody


Well-Known Member
plenty of fish in the sea.. watch this..

Me and my kids.. still act like Stuart


Well-Known Member
damn playing a paladin type character in skyrim is bad ass and awesome, really fun and still a challenge but not too hard or too easy. Problem is I keep struggling to not turn evil lol, I always gravitate towards the darker sides so the biggest challenge playing this character is staying...good? holy? pure? not sure what's the best word but you get what I mean. The opposite of becoming a vampire assassin on a mass murdering spree and unleashing every dark power the game has to offer on ever citizen and fluffy bunny rabbit I see. Oh the temptation.


Well-Known Member
damn playing a paladin type character in skyrim is bad ass and awesome, really fun and still a challenge but not too hard or too easy. Problem is I keep struggling to not turn evil lol, I always gravitate towards the darker sides so the biggest challenge playing this character is staying...good? holy? pure? not sure what's the best word but you get what I mean. The opposite of becoming a vampire assassin on a mass murdering spree and unleashing every dark power the game has to offer on ever citizen and fluffy bunny rabbit I see. Oh the temptation.
Love the use of bow in skyrim, or magic.. will practice magic in town while doing other shit (not near guards though)


Well-Known Member
Currently writing a paper about the differences between Mussolini's facism and Hitler's. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is.... yes! It's just as fun as it sounds!

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Love the use of bow in skyrim, or magic.. will practice magic in town while doing other shit (not near guards though)
Archery was sooo much better in Oblivion, you could arc it just high enough and lead just far enough to hit a moving target way out in the distance. It took skill but it could be done, skyrim on the other hand... seems like the arrows just disappear after a certain distance, so if a mammoth moves 2 feet further away I can't hit it?:neutral:
