Leaves at bud sites curl like umbrellas


Active Member
Wow. Can leaves that far fucked up come back? That is one of the worst plants I have seen. Sorry, as that last statement might hurt a bit. Usually they burn off before it gets to that point. Sorry for your loss of yield or just the plant itself soon.
LOL no offense taken, the plant is healthy not a yellow leaf on it, the big fans are 8 inches long and straight as a board. Tons of budsites and no burn or discoloration at all. So I dont think you really know what you are talking about.


Active Member
IMG_20130306_020906_979.jpgIMG_20130306_021000_520.jpgIMG_20130306_021009_683.jpgIMG_20130306_015458_579.jpgIMG_20130306_014904_222.jpgIMG_20130306_013201_841.jpg​ Heres some more pics of this girl. I dont understand why the big fans are not curled at all. the plant is full of bud sites and it looks very healthy. Could this possibly be strain related? They grew out of the bud sites curling like this. They look like they're curling like this naturally.