Third time's a charm... let's go.


Active Member
Nice setup Im diggin the cab, yeah just was wondering what soil are you using? You are coming alone good just keep reading and trying different things.
Currently using compost in all my plants. I've tried to get a hold of some perlite but it's nowhere to be found around here. Things are flowing now, hope it turns out for the best with this girls. thanks for stopping by & positive comment! :eyesmoke: + rep


Active Member
Plants are looking healthy so far and I might need to water them tomorrow, maybe today. I have no idea if I can feed them with this watering as they are 10 days old. Is it ok?

And also, how bad is it if I feed Phoenix (1 day @ 12/12) with some veg nuts?



Active Member
looks great Mr.light! your cabinet is very similar to mine, almost identical. I finally got some pictures of it.

  • 1-Fans I used (2 for veg area & 2 for flowering area)
  • 2-Before (showing exhaust fan location of veg area)
  • 3-Veg Area
  • 4-Complete cabinet (is...that...a...satellite?)
  • 5-Lights on

View attachment 2545780View attachment 2545778View attachment 2545781View attachment 2545782View attachment 2545786

  • [Temps: are ~80*] [Humidity: ~40% @ Veg | ~35% @ Flower] Timers are set now (18/6 & 12/12).
  • Phoenix started flowering today (Day 1) & seedlings are looking great too. bongsmilie

What's a Velcro though. Lol?
those pc fans aren't loud for you?
I know I turn 1 on at 12v and is loud a.f
How many watts total are you planning on using for flower/veg?


Active Member
As for feeding PHOENIX I personally like introducing them to flower nutes
Once I see signs of female.

Till then I keep doing my regular feeds. Veg/nutes-water-veg/nutes-water.
First signs of flower.
Veg/flower/nutes-water-water- flower/nutes-water-flower/nutes. Hope it helps =D


Active Member
thanks for the feedback mrlight!
Both areas are running on ~150w each. I got some more bulbs that will be use when the plants get bigger.

this is velcro (is there another word for it?)


Edit: The fans aren't that loud, the cabinet is also inside my closet so you can't hear it with the closet doors close. They move a decent amount of air and keep my temps @ 73-85*.


Active Member
thanks for the feedback mrlight!
Both areas are running on ~150w each. I got some more bulbs that will be use when the plants get bigger.

this is velcro (is there another word for it?)

View attachment 2548195Edit: The fans aren't that loud, the cabinet is also inside my closet so you can't hear it with the closet doors close. They move a decent amount of air and keep my temps @ 73-85*.
150w thats decent how high are you planning to go on watts for flower. my plan is to do 150w 6,500k for vegg. and 250-300w 2700k/6500k for flower.
so let understand your going to put one of them on one side and the other velcro on the other then put a black cover on it and hold it up with the velcro.?
i was thinking of getting an old sweater take off the zipper and holding up a black cover on the sides with staples or tape or whatever. making a little door like a tent. and zip it up. or maybe just cutting the doors lol...

well i have a 6'' inliine fan as an exhaust so that should do the trick with 1 little pc fan as an intake.
and a 4' fan blowing accross the bulbs towards the exhaust.
thats my plant i havent put those fans up.
im not planning to use the cab untill i move into my new place. :(


Active Member
for lights I'm waiting for Phoenix to stretch on this first couple of weeks to see how she does. I will try to keep this seedlings as bushy and wide as possible to maximize the CFL's. At the same time I almost purchase a 150w HPS. At the end I decided to keep my CFLs for flowering too and not have to deal with high temps from the HPS right now.

The idea of the zipper is a really good one. I haven't dealt with this on my cabinet but I'm planning on solving this on the near future. I think I will end up using the velcro all around the area and cover it with some kind of thick white vinyl.

Personally a 6'' fan is ideal for this cabinets. I can't add a carbon filter with this PC fans. :wall:


Active Member
for lights I'm waiting for Phoenix to stretch on this first couple of weeks to see how she does. I will try to keep this seedlings as bushy and wide as possible to maximize the CFL's. At the same time I almost purchase a 150w HPS. At the end I decided to keep my CFLs for flowering too and not have to deal with high temps from the HPS right now.

The idea of the zipper is a really good one. I haven't dealt with this on my cabinet but I'm planning on solving this on the near future. I think I will end up using the velcro all around the area and cover it with some kind of thick white vinyl.

Personally a 6'' fan is ideal for this cabinets. I can't add a carbon filter with this PC fans. :wall:
yea im going to move up to a 150 or 250w hps. thats way in the future though once i figure out and understand how to grow a perfect grow. not perfect but good lol...

any updates of the ladies bro?


Active Member
they are looking good. I think they are a little slow (might need to feed them?). One of the bagseeds, I think is B3, isn't doing so good. If she keeps going like this we will have our first seedling down. K1 & K2 are growing @ the same pace. The biggest of all 6 seedlings is B1, she is a node ahead (male?). Can't wait to get to week 3/4!

as for Phoenix, she is on her 4th day of 12/12. A lot of growing on the smaller branches. They will caught up with the main 2 colas in no time!

Updates w/pics on Monday.


Active Member
4/3 Update
  • 2nd Week for Seedlings (Day 14) (K1, K2, B1, B2 & B3)
  • Day 5 for Phoenix (flowering) :bigjoint:
  • 1st Week for K3 (Seedling)


  • Veg: 45-55%
  • Flower: 35-45%


  • Veg: 77-83*
  • Flower: 68-75*

For now K1 & K2 are looking great for their 2nd week. They are both growing at the same rate & feeling optimistic they will be females. K3, is a week old. B1, is the bigger of them all. B2 & B3 are not looking good so far. Remember: I'm keeping 2 females out of this 6 seedlings, hopefully they will be out of K1, K2 and/or K3.

Please feel free to comment! Any feedback is welcome... bongsmilie


1- K1
2 - K2
3 - K3 (1 week Old Today)
4 - B1
5 - B2
6 - B3
7- Phoenix (5 Days of 12/12)



Lookin nice bro...not sure if your still needing to know about feeding your seedlings but if you are i would suggest using foliar spray...its easy to make your own...just mix 25% of the suggested nutes for 1 gal and spray the seedlings lightly...I now use dragon juice and its working wonders...i know you said you dont have easy access to a grow shop so using your veg nutes at 25% is fine...That was my reg for about 2 weeks and the plants did nute burn or anything...also just a suggestion for your next grow....plant your seedlings in a clear solo cup and then set that clear solo cup inside a red or blue solo cup (stacked style)...that way you can lift the clear cup with your plant inside to check out your root growth...when your done checking on them put the clear cup back inside the colored cup so lights not hitting the roots....Its a simple method but it takes 100% of the guess work out of knowing when to transplant...just some food for thought....good luck on this run....hope it goes well for you......happy growing :weed:

roots ew2vg.jpg


Oh yeah i forgot...poke some holes in the bottom of both of the solo cups for drainage if you decide to give it a try


Active Member
Great info decepticon! I will try and use the clear/solo cup method for my next seedlings. Sounds like a great way to know exactly when to transplant them. I gave a small dose of nuts to them a couple of days ago. They seem to like it so I'm just going to keep adding nuts little by little into their diet. I'm waiting for them to show sex, once I know I will remove all the males & weak females from the grow. (just want to keep the best 2 females)

Thanks for stopping by! + rep!!


Active Member
B1, being the biggest of all 6 seedlings (6th node today) was LST'd. Hope to do the same for the rest by the end of this week. bongsmilie


Active Member
6/2 Update: 1st Week of Flower for Phoenix

  • Phoenix= Male
  • Seedlings: Remove B2 & B3 (weakest & bad shape in general). Only K1-K3 & B1 on veg area now (4 seedlings).
  • Seedlings fed for 2nd time

Why?!? :wall:



Well-Known Member
Four is better than none. Don't get frustrated, hopefully the four will be female. You could yield at least two ounces with four plants in the small cab ya got, probably three if you do it right. I never introduce nutrients so early since I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, which contains all the goodies for at least a month or longer. Plants really don't need a a lot of extra nutrients until bloom, especially if you start 12/12 early. I use the kiss method, keep it simple stu..., LOL. Good luck and let me know if you have questions, I have done three indoor and two outdoor grows, all successful bagseed. Check out my pics of outdoor on my profile, peace!


Active Member
I dont know what you think 1-2 inches is but those pictures show closer to a foot away from the bulbs for a couple plants....Just sayin, you would get much better growth if you actually had the bukbs close to all plants.


Active Member
I dont know what you think 1-2 inches is but those pictures show closer to a foot away from the bulbs for a couple plants....Just sayin, you would get much better growth if you actually had the bukbs close to all plants.
I don't know how you want me to show a picture of a plant with a bulb directly on top of it. Maybe moving the lights for the pictures?

If you are referring to the initial stretch, I was setting my cabinet at that time and got away from the plants for 2/3 days. New growth is tight, look at phoenix being LST'd and tell me if that can be done with lights 6+ inches away. Thanks for the input & stopping by!


Active Member
Four is better than none. Don't get frustrated, hopefully the four will be female. You could yield at least two ounces with four plants in the small cab ya got, probably three if you do it right. I never introduce nutrients so early since I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, which contains all the goodies for at least a month or longer. Plants really don't need a a lot of extra nutrients until bloom, especially if you start 12/12 early. I use the kiss method, keep it simple stu..., LOL. Good luck and let me know if you have questions, I have done three indoor and two outdoor grows, all successful bagseed. Check out my pics of outdoor on my profile, peace!
ty dunkin! I added some nutrients because there's some discoloration on my seedlings (deep green to lighter green). Only a small dose and they loved it! My soil isn't the best there is, that's why I helped the seedlings a little bit after the 2nd week. thanks for the feedback! + rep!! :bigjoint:

PS: Can't find your pictures! :wall:


Active Member
7/3 Update

  • K1, K2 are on a steady/slow growing rate
  • B1 is a couple of nodes ahead of everyone
  • B2 & B3 where put directly into flower after seeing good recovery on their part. After knowing that Phoenix was a Male the flowering area is free, instead of throwing away B2 & B3 (Read Post #35) I decided to give them a 2nd chance switching them to 12/12 and they look better today!! :mrgreen:
  • Day 12 for K3

Pictures, of course...

  • 1-3 = B1 (top, lst & light)
  • 4 = K1
  • 5 = K2
  • 6 = K3 (Notice she isn't the same strain as K1 & K2) Day 12 for her.
  • 7 = B2 (Recovery @ 12/12)
  • 8 = B3 (Recovery @ 12/12)
  • 9 = LST K1 (Notice the stretch from her first 2 days of breaking the soil)
  • 10 = Setup

Feel free to comment or give any feedback. bongsmilie Thanks for everyone's post/feedback/ideas/critics so far! We have a little of the two worlds with B2 & B3 on the flowering room & the rest of the seedlings @ veg.:weed: (if B2 & B3 keep recovering)


