Granny weed
Well-Known Member
I don't really know pad but from a very early age I just knew that their was greater being and that he looked over us and their was an afterlife, I have never questioned it even when I lost my parents and my brothers said their is no god or afterlife I knew their was.I'm incapable of experiencing this.
The simple thought or hope of something like this happening isn't enough to quell those ancient residual thoughts of it. I need more than that.
To you I ask, how can you be at ease, content... satisfied not knowing, and only believing?
I have never been one of these people that shout from the rooftops what I believe, it has always been a private thing but a very strong feeling, I don't believe in trying to convert people to my way of thinking I feel that to have a faith as strong as I have you have to let it in not argue or doubt it. When I got cancer the thought of treatment, and what my family would have to watch me go through filled me with dread and upset the thought I might die didn't phase me at all, apart from the fact I would have to leave my children behind I knew that in death I would get to be with my mum and dad and I truly believe this to be so.