Air conditioner question .... stinky exhaust ?


Well-Known Member

Got question about something I'm not 100% sure of ! here's my question !

I had a regular 12k btu portable ac but only had 1 ducting for exhaust ... causing the exhaust to stink..
So i went and got a 9k btu portable but this one has an intake ducting and a exhaust ducting...
I noticed at the bottom behind the ac there's little holes with dust getting sucked up in there....
Was wondering if that little bit of air getting sucked up behind is enough to cause the exhaust to shmell !! ??

Any body ever had that issue ?


Active Member
Yes, most room air conditioners WILL leak! Even the intake/exhaust style. Sadly most hydro shops can get you one that is properly sealed for not much more. I took mine apart and sealed it up with foil tape, but ultimately run it outside of the flowering room, and use a total of 4 carbon filters plus an ozone generator..

A couple of things contribute to the exhaust smell, but mostly leaks in the housing itself and condensation from the coils being blown out the exhaust. The latter can still be an issue with 4 carbon filters (scrubber in flowering room, on flowering room exhaust, and a redundant scrubber outside of flowering room in main room), but the ozone seems to take care of it. A dehumidifier right next to the A/C also seems to help.


Active Member
You really have to moniter the mold and mildew when this smell occures. The stink is dead decomposing mildew,most of the time. Here is an idea I have incorperated. I once heard a discusion on Car Talk about stinky air conditioning in cars. They said to run the fan only and dry the system the last few miles of travel. I have a fan only setting on my portable. I started switching this to fan only periodicly, A couple times a day. This seemed to kill the nasty smell just like they said on the radio. Just an Idea, but it seemed to take care of the issue. In my new place I have central air and heat in my garage grow, so this is no longer an issue. grow areas stay between 72 and 74 at the highest.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i dont use a filter because smell is not an issue at the location. you can smell them outside the room and of course you can smell the even more as flowering progresses. heat and humidity are a problem during a portion of the summer so i installed a window a/c thru the wall not a window. sealed all around the a/c. when the a/c was running, i had a much stronger smell outside the room.


Well-Known Member
You really have to moniter the mold and mildew when this smell occures. The stink is dead decomposing mildew,most of the time. Here is an idea I have incorperated. I once heard a discusion on Car Talk about stinky air conditioning in cars. They said to run the fan only and dry the system the last few miles of travel. I have a fan only setting on my portable. I started switching this to fan only periodicly, A couple times a day. This seemed to kill the nasty smell just like they said on the radio. Just an Idea, but it seemed to take care of the issue. In my new place I have central air and heat in my garage grow, so this is no longer an issue. grow areas stay between 72 and 74 at the highest.

Lol the air getting blown in the room is not stinky haha its the hot air pushing out the exhaust that smells a bit like ( bud ) ..
Any ways thx for you help guys .... i'm just gonna keep the a/c outside the room like edroponico said and make some sort of ducting thingy connecting the a/c
to the room... blowing the cold air in a ducting then into the room