more flavor in my weed?

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Genetics is the No.1 facotur. Second is a good dry and cure. Third is whatever you add to 'increase' aromas. This is taking into account that your your plants are in top condition, making a cup of tea and rolling it up. Cheers, Mike.


Active Member
Check it out! This is how I grow for extra flavor.IMG_3599 (Medium).JPGIMG_3598 (Medium).JPG
My smoke tastes like onion, egg, strawberries, and a little bit of that Haze citrus. :eyesmoke: I must say though its better than the one I grew in my toilet! Really though I am going to try sucanat and molasses with a little Bud Candy. The Bud candy will sweeten/give vitamins and it has citric acid in it so the plant will process the sucanat and molasses to a usable source. I believe the sucanat will also slightly sweeten the bud too. But I am growing in soil.


Well-Known Member
Get some food grade peppermint extract... water down with everclear, spray lightly and now you got some menthol weed - enjoy :P


Active Member
Have you ever looked into vegging and flowering with MH. Or maybe it is just the blue spectrum. I have lately been learning that most my old growing knowledge is based upon yield and for the weed to have street appeal. I have been looking into MH for the whole grow to add flavor to my smoke but I hear it does decrease yield and possibly density. I don't know as I have not tried this until next run. I believe DJ short talks about using a large MH's up over your plants higher then the usual recommended height. I have noticed my 600 watt MH puts out half the lumens as my 600 watt HPS. Just for shits and giggles I was thinking of running 2 600 watt MH for flowering rather then 1 HPS. Yes more electricity but if it makes for good smoke it could be worth it. If you want to you can also check this out. I don't know if these terpenes can be manipulated through grow media and fertilization or genetics. Maybe its all 3. Try looking into growing weed for the connoisseur. Good luck in you quest.


Well-Known Member
Blueberry is soooooooooooooo flavorsome!

I think I mite just havta go get maself sum Blueberry seeds - like - rite now!

But I did see an article somewhere... saying to feed the plant "flavors" about 3 hours before harvest... so give it a good dose of Vanilla essence(or wotever) in water - wait 3 hours (no more) and then harvest ... an apparently... it CAN work really well with some strains....