Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Ursus marijanus
O M F G !

Fuck what you're doing right now, get up, go out and get a can of SPAM. When you get home, get your best non stick pan out, cut the SPAM into slices, fry that shit, put some mayo on some bread with lettuce and tomato, and EAT THAT SHIT!

20 years?! WTF man?! Get ready for a mouthgasm!
And don't forget to fill out the online questionnaire!! Website on can. cn


Well-Known Member
OMG! Greenswag I'm so sorry! If there's anything you need i'm just a PM away! Take care of her!
Thank you. She just got back from the cat scan, on some heavy pain meds right now but at least now shes smiling and talking, she could hardly move when i got to her house. I hope to god its ust akidney stone or something. Now im feeling weird too but thats just the hospital doing it to me.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. She just got back from the cat scan, on some heavy pain meds right now but at least now shes smiling and talking, she could hardly move when i got to her house. I hope to god its ust akidney stone or something. Now im feeling weird too but thats just the hospital doing it to me.
hope she's ok green, i had those suckers twice and they are crazy painful :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thank you. She just got back from the cat scan, on some heavy pain meds right now but at least now shes smiling and talking, she could hardly move when i got to her house. I hope to god its ust akidney stone or something. Now im feeling weird too but thats just the hospital doing it to me.
I'm praying for her. Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
Greg Jennings is a Minnesota Viking. God that just irritates me. Doesn't help that all my Vikings friends are rubbing it in my face. I'm having flashbacks to Favre again....


Well-Known Member
Just had another timer take a shit. Seems like i go through those things like crazy. I need a decent priced reliable timer. These $15 ones arent cutting it.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Greg Jennings is a Minnesota Viking. God that just irritates me. Doesn't help that all my Vikings friends are rubbing it in my face. I'm having flashbacks to Favre again....
You are definitely straight. I don't keep up with Hockey but I'm sure it's a fun sport. I don't like it because they wear too much clothing.


Well-Known Member
I've been noticing this a lot lately. I just saw someone post a thread asking if this pic of a seedling was in fact cannabis. His name was Dankassnuggrower... Gotta love irony. I see this all the time, people with the most basic question and a screen name like GrowsBestPotEver. Ya, sure ya do.

Mini rant over.


Well-Known Member
Greg Jennings is a Minnesota Viking. God that just irritates me. Doesn't help that all my Vikings friends are rubbing it in my face. I'm having flashbacks to Favre again....
Rub it in their face that they just lost Harvin to the hawks, who are having by far the best free agency around. Go hawks!