Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Dialectical differences causing misunderstandings? Maybe God mumbles...
Based on this response, we are to presume The Bible is just one big misunderstanding.

Skip to 3:02



Well-Known Member
Is this a game of find the sniper? My guess is in the water around the trees in the background. Too risky inside the brush pile, good cover but top obvious and if your discovered your trapped in a stick coffin as they supply you with a lead blanket
when i saw htis pic my first thoughts were oh shit look at that small plant growing on the beaver home fucjken sweet and brillaint idea, as long as the resident (if alive even) dosnt make salad outa pretty lady, then i read these posts lmao idk wtf goes thru my head at times!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
logging in to a shit ton of likes. Must be doing something right! :lol::cool:

edit: going to have an awesome weekend. Having a friend drive up from NC, picking them up at 8:30-9 tonight and chilling for the next couple days. Need to go shopping for some ingredients for a few bad ass meals. If I'm not logged in within a week don't worry my heart just gave out from so much sex. :bigjoint: