Did you guys cut them and put them right into the water or let them dry out first?
WrldWidRadio911, the short answer basically is yr wrong. Go re-read the post on water curing, if you still dont understand it, get back to me. Bascally if you cured some of your weed normally and some in water, the water cured will be more potent....ounce for ounce, or joint for joint. Whatever.
Weight is weight, end of story. Come back and try to argue the point after you've tried it.
Okay, let me engage your desire to debate the point here. lol
THC is not water soluable, but alcohol works, so.....Lets assume there is two ounces of weed, and lets say I take all the THC off of the two ounces through an extraction, and re-place it back onto one ounce of weed, is the weed not stronger now?
Get it!
Got it
is the weed not stronger now?
No you still ended up haveing the same amount of THC that you started with
Get it!
Got it
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o197/dirt_cheap_goods_2006/image10.gif" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
I get 46.67% increase in THC potency, per weight(!) . If you don't understand the math, just trust all the smart people in the forum who do.
Video, thanks for all the great info I have read from your works. And for this thread.