Curing Your Buds

I see the % increase for bud to THC ratio, but, all in all new, THC does not magicly appear in the process.

If I water cured a 1 gram bud with 15% THC to green waste ration
and lets just say it ended up after drying to 1/2 gram, the THC to green waste ration would increase yes, but it does not get more potent, more THC did not appear out of thin air. If I ash that bud in one hit, I still end up with the original 15 % THC count in my lungs, minus any that stick to my bong/pipe though.

It is not a true potency % increase, you are giving an increase on THC to green waste ration.
WrldWidRadio911, the short answer basically is yr wrong. Go re-read the post on water curing, if you still dont understand it, get back to me. Bascally if you cured some of your weed normally and some in water, the water cured will be more potent....ounce for ounce, or joint for joint. Whatever.

Oh mightyBudda, the buds go right from the plant into water, change the water daily. After the 7th day, dry normally. I hung mine to dry for about one day, after I water cured it.

Did you guys cut them and put them right into the water or let them dry out first?
WrldWidRadio911, the short answer basically is yr wrong. Go re-read the post on water curing, if you still dont understand it, get back to me. Bascally if you cured some of your weed normally and some in water, the water cured will be more potent....ounce for ounce, or joint for joint. Whatever.

I did read and carefully
you stated your water cured bud and find out it has 21.42% THC content - a 50% increase in potency.

Your statement is true, with 1 exception

50% increase in potency. (wrong)

and why?
I'll explain it again (but first, forget about what your saying and read this like you are just another guy who is trying to understand)



I break open a chicken egg which is lets just say (guess) 40 % yolk and 60% egg white. I only want the white so I separate the yolk from the egg, but do not get it all out so the ratio is 95% whites and 5 % yolk.

You do the math but the egg yolk just increased by % compared to what I started with but the actual white did not physically increase, so it did not get more potent i just have more of the egg white % wise compared to the other other chemicals or in this case the yolk.

1 more thing,

I am going to try this, and i am not trying to step on toes, just like to debate and I can hope you see my point.
Weight is weight, end of story. Come back and try to argue the point after you've tried it.

But your not talking weight, your talking % and all i am saying is just because the % of THC is mathematically higher, (because there is less of other things)
it does not = higher potency

I have a pie, 50% apple & 50 % cherry, I eat 2 pieces of apple pie so now there is lets just say 30 % apple and 70 % cherry.

Well my cherry % just increased a lot, but there is still the same amount of cherry pie.

Just a mathematical % increase but more cherry did not magically appear, the cherry is not more potent, there is just more cherry left than apple now...

Get it!
Got it
Okay, let me engage your desire to debate the point here. lol
THC is not water soluable, but alcohol works, so.....Lets assume there is two ounces of weed, and lets say I take all the THC off of the two ounces through an extraction, and re-place it back onto one ounce of weed, is the weed not stronger now?

Get it!
Got it
Ok , results are in and it works, It took two days for the buds to dry, but i did get higher than giraffe's pussy.
Thanks for the post vid, and as far as this debate, well you can only get so high, weather its Bammer or super dupper dank, your gonna get high,
what i like is the smoothness, and my friends whom are blown away by what they saw and smoked, So i recommend , follow the instructions and try it.
keep in mind its gonna be summer time which means heat, DUH , who wants to carry around some stinky dank while trying to get a slurpee from 7-11.
Okay, let me engage your desire to debate the point here. lol
THC is not water soluable, but alcohol works, so.....Lets assume there is two ounces of weed, and lets say I take all the THC off of the two ounces through an extraction, and re-place it back onto one ounce of weed, is the weed not stronger now?

Get it!
Got it

is the weed not stronger now?

No you still ended up haveing the same amount of THC that you started with

Get it!
Got it
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But the one ounce of weed IS now stronger than the two ounces were.

PS, if you want me to respect your " AUTHORITAH" you'll stop cutting school and learn how to spell the damn word. lol

is the weed not stronger now?

No you still ended up haveing the same amount of THC that you started with

Get it!
Got it
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I get 46.67&#37; increase in THC potency, per weight(!) . If you don't understand the math, just trust all the smart people in the forum who do.

Video, thanks for all the great info I have read from your works. And for this thread.

Thanks dude!

I get 46.67% increase in THC potency, per weight(!) . If you don't understand the math, just trust all the smart people in the forum who do.

Video, thanks for all the great info I have read from your works. And for this thread.

Yes Video i did get a difference, i air dried some of the same crop, so i could compare, The Water cure did everything it sait it would, Darker , Cleaner, less smell, LEts put it this way i now know what harsh weed taste like,
Now Im a newbee and i followed three rules and it seems to work when
Water them
Love Them
Smoke Them
Remeber alot of people cant say," I grew this wanna Hit" your replies will
be in the 90 perecent with Yes
Well im starting again , and Will be hitting you up Vid, i didnt pay attention to Stretch on last grow. So I guess ill be causing another debate,LOL