Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
damn girl i just got home from the grocery store high as fucking hell i love it people just stare at me like they always do when im high in public


Staff member
damn girl i just got home from the grocery store high as fucking hell i love it people just stare at me like they always do when im high in public
i had this great idea to brin gmy mom to bulk barn one day...NEVER AGAIN my gawd, she spent like 100$ and took her sweet ass time cause she was so high


Well-Known Member
Are women always right?

I just went to a wedding and during the speeches everyone said that "a happy marriage means that the woman is always right" or "happy wife equals happy life"


Ursus marijanus
Are women always right?

I just went to a wedding and during the speeches everyone said that "a happy marriage means that the woman is always right" or "happy wife equals happy life"
Q: If a man speaks in the forest, and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?

After centuries, philosophers have finally found the answer: "yes dear". cn

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Today my daughter announced she has her first boyfriend (awwww). He's in Kindergarten and she's in first grade, so he's a "younger man" lol. They held hands today, she was all rosy cheeked with smiles when I picked her up :) Cherry on top: It's pick up time, she starts to walk to the truck...he stops her. I'm wondering what the heck...when he bends down...and ties her shoe. :clap: If I can teach my son's to treat women right and my daughter's to pick men who will, i'll die a happy woman.
Good luck with that one Rainbow!!!! I have two daughters....all educated and grown up now but do I ever remember thier teen age years....enjoy this stage...its quite innocent and playful.....but some dam thing happens around the time 13 years old or so comes around....its like a switch comes on and they no longer have a brain.....UGH.....I swear thats when my hair started turning white...lol....I love my daughters dearly but they both ran me through the ringer during those years....LOL....not trying to scare you but I guess thats life! They seem to have fun talking about it now that they are all grown up.....Of course....they were Daddys little girls so I might have given myself my fair share of brain damage thinking the worst?????