you know what i dont understand


Sector 5 Moderator
A lot of physically attractive people have nothing to go with it; they ride their looks all their life - or until they get old and nobody notices anymore; then they realize they have nothing. Don't let mentally, spiritually, and emotionally ugly people define who you are. You don't get to choose what you look like but you do get to choose who you are.


Ursus marijanus
looks are not always skin deep man. a good personality can make a plain person look good, and a bad personality make a pretty person look ugly. its all how you carry yourself.
I might need a lesson. Every time I try to carry myself, I fall over. cn


Well-Known Member
can i chime in here?

what the hell is up with these puppets and these threads?

see4 and sunni, do you have bad feelings going on or what? you guys are giving me bad vibes lately. your banter is taking a strange turn.

if op is for real, which i highly doubt, you need to build your self esteem and learn that you have to work for everything you want in life and that builds character. if there's one thing that i can tell you as an older person that you can't give a shit what other people think, it really doesn't matter.


i'm smoking hot if you're curious

match box

Well-Known Member
People that feel good about them selfs don't belittle others. I thought I had something profound to say but I think it was just gas. Never mind ( said in a Emily Lattilay voice)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm fat and average looking and i'm kind of a miserable turd but there's some ladies that can't get enough. i don't get it but i'll take it.