Club 600


Well-Known Member
Our oldest cat used to LOVE getting into my growbox when I'd open it up each night.
She'd walk around in it, soaking up the "sun" and smelling the plants.
She'd always try to nibble on the leaves, and I made sure to keep an eye on her after noticing some big bites missing from some of the lower foliage.
I am well aware, also, that cats (and dogs) can't process some of the compounds in cannabis, so I made sure to not let her eat any of the leaves.
But she's a cheeky little girl.
One night, she starts wheezing and salivating like something was stuck in her windpipe.
She also will eat twigs, pipe cleaners, and anything she can find, and we've had to rush her to the vet twice for such things.
When she couldn't clear her throat on her own, we got the cat carrier ready and went to pick her up when she gave one huge hacking cough...
... and out slid a HUGE, and intact blade from one of my plants.
It was about an inch wide and as long as your middle finger.
The serrated leaf margins made it unswallowable, and I'm actually amazed that she got it out on her own (she once chewed a piece of pumpkin stem off of a Halloween pumpkin and it cost us almost $500 dollars for an emergency visit to a 24-hr vet clinic).
Even more amazing was that was the last time she tried to eat a cannabis leaf.
Our other cats don't like to eat them, they just like getting in and around the plants & "sun" (Cricket is no longer with us, but she loved my grow box).

As for dogs and cannabis, I hope those who get their dogs high read this and think twice.
Dogs cannot process the stuff and, even if they like the effects, it is a poison to their bodies.
Same with cats.
I never knew it wasnt good for them.
My lil dog stole a few of cookies I got from a fellow 600er a while back.
She had to get onto my desk to get em and they were in a ziplock and a paper bag.
I went to get one out after giving my friend one couldnt find them.
I asked my daughter did she take em...then my girl asked if the dog got em.
Oh course nit I said they were put on top of the desk.
I looked in her carrier and sure enough there was the ziplock with the bottom chewed out.
She was messed up for about 24 hrs.
Since then she steals buds and leaves off outdoor plants when she can reach em.
Ill keep it outta her reach from now on.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I remember I took my dog to the vet to get xrays because she kept getting sick. They said she would be fine until Monday so I could make a decision on what I wanted to do. She died in like 1 day, horrible fucking death. I don't trust vets. She died of kidney failure it was horrible. I was so mad. She was probably in a ton of pain.
Sorry to hear that bro.
Just like human docs there are lots of quacks out there.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they wanted me to spend another like $800 just to see if there was anything they could do for her, and then surgery probably would have been 2 grand.


So we got a bit of a DOG show here.....:)

First up, this is my DOG from seed (the original DOG seeds I made back in 2010) I germinated another one and I think it looks to be a winner. It is danky stinkalicious. I just topped it as it's kind of been packed in the veg tent and not had much side lighting to get things going. I have tried to give it a bit more space and hope the toppping will get some of the side branching developing. As I say, I think that down to lack of light (remember - pheno = geno + enviro!. Anyway, enough of the gabbing, onto the pics.

Me like Webbed leaves!

These are some of the DOG bx2 (regulars)

One of the veg tents with DOG clones, DOG mum, OG kush2 (male) Blue Pit Male, and Sour KushxDeep Blue clone.

Deep Blue F4 (fan leaves on this are as big as ma heid!)

Also topped

DOG buds....soz, focus is a bit pants on heid.)

And that's it for the noo. Not sure what I was doing with the camera but I had to delete a load as they were out of foucs. Our new lens is a lot wider and also has a Macro function, but it's not really a macro function for up close shots, anyway, thanks for watching.
Peace, DST
That dog looks soooo sweet dst mate,breeders boutique are sold out,just my luck do you know of any seed sites apart from bb that sells them and what would you advise me to get if I ever can the bx2's or just the regular dog, as you've prob read I lost everything but I'm Scottish and you can't keep us down for long and I'm sure ill get there. I'm most pissed about my mothers getting taken more than anything yrs of good hard work gone and I had a few clone onlys and a few I bred. Your dog looks like my og x nycd mother that I lost. Anyone else know a seedbank I could get the dog from that's not an imitation. As I said dst they look the damage


Well-Known Member
The DOG regulars BX2's are coming out soon lad (imminent). No one else stocks BB gear apart from Sea of S33ds and they do not have anything in the DOG depo either. I am not sure if there will be fems as I plan just to work on the regulars to stabilise the sucker a bit more.

Morning everyone.


Well-Known Member
The DOG regulars BX2's are coming out soon lad (imminent). No one else stocks BB gear apart from Sea of S33ds and they do not have anything in the DOG depo either. I am not sure if there will be fems as I plan just to work on the regulars to stabilise the sucker a bit more.

Morning everyone.
Evening to me lad! ;)


Cheers dst I'm not really bothered about fems as I prefer to work with regs,don't get me wrong bruv bx2's Will do for me until I can get just the dog,I got pre 98 bubba kush that my father bought before all the pre 98 bx2 were available as far as as he remembers he got given em by a good pal early 80"s but the still germ no probs,I've tried the bx2 version and it does not come close to the original bubba. There's a kush loose aboot ma hoose. Just the way I like it lol. Ps Anychance of the heads up when the dog kush is about to be in stock again pls. Cheers dst bud. Blunt ;-)


I could probably get a cut of the dog from the guy I got my livers,cherry cheese x livers and dpq from but we were suppose to come and go with each other but when my shorts blueberry was ready I parted with about an oz and in return got a seeded bud wi 5 seeds in a gram bud :confused::wall: so I would never ask him again.I also grew a livers in a farm and produced 15 1/ 2 oz dry that he wanted me to sell it all to him, I only give out pieces to friends and I smoke the rest as I'm not in this for the cash so id rather not ask him for a cut as I'm happy rolling along myself..... Ill pay for the seeds rather than lower myself,I also gave him og kush,chronic and a good few other cuts.Some people just don't play the game eh. Can I join the 600 club also pls as you all seem like good guys,bammie but good bammie just the way I like it. Sorry for the ranting on lol. Blunt ;-)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet fess up which old user are you blunt? smelly cherry aint been called CC x L in donkeys. ah i think a friend of our friend fred if my powers of deduction are up to par ;) welcome back. 600 are legion

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
hey glad to see everyone here, and some new growers here.

Man everthing is going great. Smelly fingerz is turning light purple, and looks like a 3 oz plant.

CAL ORANGE x headband is looking really frosty and has that dank look and smell, looks to be another
Blue pits are getting big, and so are my Dogs. Going to put those outside for the main grow this year, and indoors.

o.g Larrys are doing good.

qq is some fire, looks to be done in 2 more weeks!

Cheese pie is fucken fire!!! Also bbk looks so frosty, got three diffrent types from seed.

well time to smoke some blue pit. Shit's
some night time weed


Well-Known Member
Hearing all this dog talk makes me want to try some. Specially after seeing the pic. I was showing a friend of mine the pic and I swear I seen some drool coming from the corner of his mouth. You'll have to let us know when it's available. I dont mind reg s33ds as and will have room as soon as it warms up.


Well-Known Member
No worries peeps, there will be a heads up when the BX2 is out:)

Talking of Heads Up, anyone heard from him? I sent him an 2 emails to both his addy's and got no reply???

And 209, you make me want to grow some more of that HBxCali Orange (Sour Orange). The one I grew was straight up dank foosty oranges......


alreet fess up which old user are you blunt? smelly cherry aint been called CC x L in donkeys. ah i think a friend of our friend fred if my powers of deduction are up to par ;) welcome back. 600 are legion
Hi don mate I'm just new to this site and that's deadpan. You are probably talking about the freind I got the pips from. He gave me them ages ago but my garden got broken into when I was in hospital and I'm just trying to get back to it. I used to go on another forum but cud not be done wi the bitching. Blunt :bigjoint:


I gotta say DST all your plants look spot on the ones in veg are a picture of health and the buds were glistening. Can I camp out in yer grow room plz lol. Blunt. :joint:

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
No worries peeps, there will be a heads up when the BX2 is out:)

Talking of Heads Up, anyone heard from him? I sent him an 2 emails to both his addy's and got no reply???

And 209, you make me want to grow some more of that HBxCali Orange (Sour Orange). The one I grew was straight up dank foosty oranges......
will find a way to post pics from my phone, as I'm jut use to my computer