Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
oh yeah my landlords live above me so i know the feeling i guess
I don't have anything going but veggies and herbs but there's a bunch of debris left I have to wait for snow to melt to get rid of. That and a couple of quart jars ;-)


New Member
wel im feeling a bit better let me go get my pipe and stuff it to where it overfilled a tiny tiny bit with some northern lights thanks yall i really appreciate it i really do


New Member
check this out yall i went to last night at 4:45 and then woke up at 6:30 you would think that would make someone tired as hell nope not me.......well not this time it didnt.......but its weird though i dont get it at all..........weird..


Well-Known Member
check this out yall i went to last night at 4:45 and then woke up at 6:30 you would think that would make someone tired as hell nope not me.......well not this time it didnt.......but its weird though i dont get it at all..........weird..
you're young, you can get away with that more. I can't do that anymore. I used to write my own music years ago. My album was named 36 hours because my buddy and I recorded it after I was awake for 36 hours lol. I kinda miss my youth...


Well-Known Member
I stepped on a mouse last night! Was on my run and it ran out, didnt even know it until i felt the poor bastard under my foot. It was kinda cute lookin too :lol: well in any case it felt kinda cool when he crunched!
At my grandma's house (when I was little, of course) I used to get up in the middle of the night and set off all the mouse traps so all the mice would be safe for the night lol. My grandma would just be furious with me all the time about it. I saw one once, i'm not kidding I swear, cutest mousy thing ever, it was in the kitchen running along the back of the counter (my grandma lived in the projects, literally) and it ran behind the microwave (which was on the end of the counter, next to the fridge.) I must've spooked it and it panicked, because the next thing I see is that little mouse sliding down the damn microwave cord to the floor behind the fridge. He just...slid down it head first. (Yes, I used to actively try to befriend these mice. I read a lot of Beverly Cleary growing up.) Now, as a parent and adult, if I saw a mouse in my kitchen I would freak the hell out. But back then it was just a cute little fuzzy friend who may or may not have been able to ride a motorcycle.