60DayWonder DWC&Soil *First Time Grower*


Active Member
Hey guys, been on trolling around the site for a few years and have finally committed to starting my first grow. Please feel free to make any comments or suggestions, as this will be my first attempt at a real grow(had a few halfa$$ grows in the past that never worked out). I have 6 DNA genetics 60day wonder beans on the way from attitude. I am still a little hung up on the main light I will use (Read below).

The Equipment

Tent: DR90II 3'x3'x6'

Lighting: TBA-Need Help deciding. I have an HTG Supply 400w Winghood/HPS Cheap-o light (Given to me). Next, I have the jumpstart 2' T-5 lamp and stand for starting seedlings. I have been looking into buying a 600w MH/HPS cooltube with dimmable digi ballast for $200 online.

Ventilation: Going to buy a 6"inline fan and carbon filter combo off amazon+ a fan speed controller, hang it all inside with bungee cords for noise reduction.

Grow Media: DWC/Bubblponics- I have a 10gallon rubbermaid tote, 2 6in net pots, with 2 airstones running on a 2plug hydro aerator. Soil- Then I have two 2gallon smartpots with HappyFrog potting mix. Also have 1" rockwool grodan cubes.

Nutes: FlairForm GreenDream Grow 3-1-5 &Bloom 2-2-6

So far the plan is to start 4 seeds in the 1" cubes (after having the cubes sitting in PH adjusted water overnight) under the single T-5 light on a tray covered with a dome. After they sprout I will most likely to change them to my main light source and put 2 in soil and 2 in the DWC.


First, is there a specific way the seed is supposed to lay in the hole of the cube? How loud will a 6"inline fan sound at 50%? I'm going to be sleeping next to my tent. Would a non-digital ballast be a heat or noise issue in my room? Passive intake into the tent a problem? Should I just use my 400w/hps cheapo light or would it be worth it to have a dimmable digital 600w MH/HPS Cooltube? will the 2gallon smartpots be big enough? with these autos being so fast should I top, lst, or scrog them? Do you think I could grow all 6 in the space at once?

Planning on running 18/6 light schedule, I'll take pics of my setup and supplies so far later tonight!

*Update* Here's my DWC set-up for 2 of my babies


The tent, seedling cfl light, temp/hum gauge, the two smart pots, dwc tote. Now I just need a seedling tray with a dome for my grodan cubes :)


New Member
I cant answer any of these questions. Im just in for the ride, i was thinking of getting some of these 60 day wonders and want to see how things go. Good luck


Active Member
So I've been tracking my package of beans and they have been sitting in Chicago for 3 days with no updates.... getting kinda worried I wont receive it :( Also threw up a couple pics


Well-Known Member

First, is there a specific way the seed is supposed to lay in the hole of the cube?
some may argue pointed end up but the plant will work out which ways up and grow that way anyway

How loud will a 6"inline fan sound at 50%? I'm going to be sleeping next to my tent.
unluckyyyyyy , not silent , sticking the fan inside the tent on a scrubber and venting out the top and away from you will help ,,,abit , chances are you will get used to it

Would a non-digital ballast be a heat or noise issue in my room?
both , some buzz like a bastard , all make loads of heat to the point they can be a fire hazard , stcik it on a slab and hope its quiet

Passive intake into the tent a problem?
nope your good unless otherwise

Should I just use my 400w/hps cheapo light or would it be worth it to have a dimmable digital 600w MH/HPS Cooltube?
entirely upto you , i wouldnt mess about with m/h , i would buy a 250 cfl for vegging to save on elec and then switch to a 600 hps , dimmable welllllll its a gimic really , ive a couple that are but being honest no-one ever bothers turning a light down , they tend to just move the light away from the plants and be dammed

will the 2gallon smartpots be big enough?
a yank so whats that 8 litre ? yeah thats good to go , 6 is say the minimum and 11 perfect or maybe overkill so at 8 your very well placed , id use normal pots being honest as there easier to move around and cleaner to use

with these autos being so fast should I top, lst, or scrog them?
fuck no , bend um if you really have to but topping and you will loose yeild , scrog doesnt work as you cant half fill a screen and then switch to flowering as there already flowering , autos like being little xmas trees so leave it at that

Do you think I could grow all 6 in the space at once?

yeah , ideally you should have an odd number , in a 3x3 your looking at 5 or 9 , so yeah id stick the lot in

good luck with getting them , note the pots in the picture


Active Member
Good News!!! Finally got my beans, will start soaking the cubes tomorrow. I have a light for the first couple days of the seedlings' life but I still need my main light sorted and some sort of ventilation system. Looking at this fan/scrubber set up: http://www.amazon.com/VenTech-Inline-Hydroponics-Exhaust-Blower/dp/B0052ZPMAG/ref=sr_1_6?m=A2WRS4X4C0GMOQ&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1363659231&sr=1-6
and this light: http://www.amazon.com/600Watt-Electronic-Dimmable-Reflector-Hydroponic/dp/B00521B894/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

I'm kinda worried about the quality of the products but the prices are wayyy cheaper then the local hydro store. Any thoughts guys?


Active Member
Ok, Started soaking the grodan cubes in 5.5PH filtered water with 5 drops of GeneralHydroponics RapidStart RootingEnhancer 1-0.5-1. Replaced my T5HO bulb with a new one and got a black seedling tray/dome. Going to order the VenTech 6" fan/carbon filter combo for $150 so I can run the 400w HPS winghood after a few days of the seedlings being under the T5. Not sure what fan speed controller I should buy? anyone know? Will put 4 or 5 of them in cubes under the t5 tonight! So excitedddd:bigjoint:


Active Member
Quick pic update: Got 4 bean in cubes under the dome temp 79-81* and 60% humidity inside. Got a couple of CFLS with clamp reflectors to add once they sprout.
My passive air intake LOL works good to keep light coming out to a minimum.


Active Member
yeah I will when I switch to using the HPS, how hot will the magnetic ballast get? Should I keep it off the carpet just in case? Also will post some seedling pics soon


Active Member
hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while been busy with things and was waiting on my fan to get here. Finally set it all up today and let it run for the first time. 82*F 20-30% humidity. fans at like 70% and being vented out my window, got one passive intake open along with my ghetto intake(previously shown). Am I running too hot?

My fan and carbon filter
The full setup
My babies about 4 days old


Well-Known Member

my 60 day are repotted , bushy little numbers for sure , not going mental but its early days yet

fingers and toes crossed yours turn out as well


Active Member
Ok got them repotted, Put two in the DWC tote and two in 2 gallon smartpots. here's a couple of quick crappy pics, will post more later. Seems as though the ones in the DWC aren't growing nearly as fast not sure why.


Active Member
I've decided some of my problem with slow grow could be heat, but I think the biggest factor is the fact that my bulb is over 3 years old since bought. It's been used for two previous grows and it's just a cheapo HTG that came with the light. Going to order a Hortilux Super HPS, supposedly has 25%more blue spectrum. Here's a couple of pics to update the progress.
Day 9:
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Also current temp readings showing it might be too hot.... 80-84*F directly under light, 76*F in corner but still plant level, 69*F at intake
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Whatcha' guys think?


Active Member
How's it going everyone? I'm back!:bigjoint: Just wanted to give a quick update. The growth has finally picked up a bit, Not too worried about the heat at the moment, but I'm still considering getting an air-cooled hood and hortilux bulb. The small one in the DWC is finally coming out a small nute burn spell. The two in the soil look great, slow and steady! And as for the Big Girl, She apparently stepped it up and really started rockin'! On to the show!!! :eyesmoke:

The big girl and nute burned munchkin
The two soil-bound babies
Family photo :lol:

Feel free to comment or ask questions!


Active Member
Just wanted to do a quick pic update, Everything seems to be going ok. The ones in soil have really slowed in growth, not sure if I'm not watering enough or what. I only water when they look like they need it. Also the one's in the DWC are a much lighter green then the soil-bound sisters. Maybe I need cal-mag? should I add some hard boiled egg water? Also I noticed some of my dwc roots are kinda brown, I washed the hydroton pretty good before I put it in the pots.

Here we go:


Whatcha guys think?


Active Member
Ok just did my first rez change on the DWC, rotated the tote to maybe even out plant growth, bumped up the nutes to 2mL/L grow & 1mL/L bloom. So about 50% strength. I checked the old rez water and it was around 8 PH, EEEKKK! I'll be keeping a better eye on it but the roots looked good, and got the new water adjusted to 6 after nutes added.

Day 20
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Active Member
Had to add almost 2 gallons to the DWC res, the one is a MONSTERRRRR!! The 2 in soil are already starting to flower? IDK Why they are acting so differently? Unstable genetics?


Sorry the pics suck, I'll try to get some better ones later.


Active Member
So I went on vacation for a couple days and came home to this! I have no unearthly idea why two are growing to the ceiling and two aren't more then a foot tall....... anyways on with the show!