Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Lol, I fucking knew you'd have one. :-P

Nice, 950k. I've been looking at them on Amazon, not sure if they have this one. Still not a bad price. That's what I'm looking for... small and powerful.
After posting that I started looking at amazon. I think I'm gonna buy a new one off amazon. the prices have really come down and the one I have is a few years old already.


Well-Known Member
After posting that I started looking at amazon. I think I'm gonna buy a new one off amazon. the prices have really come down and the one I have is a few years old already.
Nice. My wife told me she wants one for when we go back to China so she can taser anybody that tries to steal our baby. Lol, ok honey. I've got like 2ft and atleast a forearm on all of them. :twisted:

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
hows teh kittehs?
Fat, cute and crawling around with their eyes open. My mom came over and wanted to see them yesterday, big mistake...... She petted them and then the mother cat kept trying to move them to a different location.

She kept me up all night long trying to move them, I kept her locked up in the room where their little house is and she scratched on the door all night long and if you tried to open the door she would make a break for it with a kitten in her mouth.

She finally calmed down today. Kinda scared me too, she managed to move one before I found out what she was doing and I had to find it before her sister killed it.


Well-Known Member
Nice. My wife told me she wants one for when we go back to China so she can taser anybody that tries to steal our baby. Lol, ok honey. I've got like 2ft and atleast a forearm on all of them. :twisted:
During this time we've been talking my wife called me while shopping and told me some creeper was following her around the store. Said she could hear him talking to himself as he was following her around. She had to tell the clerk before she left to make sure he didn't follow. Fuck I hate people. Just found out my state outlawed pepper spray now too while searching for self defense items.


Well-Known Member
More snow in the northeast.... Weee

Planned ahead this time at the car lot..i love stacking cars i dono why..


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
During this time we've been talking my wife called me while shopping and told me some creeper was following her around the store. Said she could hear him talking to himself as he was following her around. She had to tell the clerk before she left to make sure he didn't follow. Fuck I hate people. Just found out my state outlawed pepper spray now too while searching for self defense items.
Damn. Is she doing o.k.? Stuff like that can rattle nerves. :(

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Job interview went really well today hopefully I get the job, I could really use that $15 an hour and the boss lady is cute little milf too.;-)


Well-Known Member
During this time we've been talking my wife called me while shopping and told me some creeper was following her around the store. Said she could hear him talking to himself as he was following her around. She had to tell the clerk before she left to make sure he didn't follow. Fuck I hate people. Just found out my state outlawed pepper spray now too while searching for self defense items.
That is creepy, damn. Pepper spray? Really? I guess they need more victims. I really want one of those collapsible batons but they're illegal in my state. :cry:


match box

Well-Known Member
I just got my bank statement. They say I deposited $ 18,705.35 last Fri. I didn't but I wounder how long it will take the bank to let me know they made a mistake?


Well-Known Member
I just got my bank statement. They say I deposited $ 18,705.35 last Fri. I didn't but I wounder how long it will take the bank to let me know they made a mistake?
It's a stimulus package that was awarded due to .. prior civilian contracting?


Well-Known Member
Go get 'em Sunny! :D
thanks, don't mess with this woman's car now, my goodness

How much is 5$ worth of weed? A pinner joint? And you got 5 seeds, hell of a deal there! 5 seeds for 5$
do they even make those any more?

a single blunt and yes five seeds to grow and weed to smoke......hell of a deal......lets just i know people
*just say* i forgot to include say
good to know. meet me at the ihop, have i got a surprise for you...

Hahaha I'm sooooooo glad my girl isn't like that
me too but the plus side of that if they like to take their time i will certainly sit in there and watch :hump:
After posting that I started looking at amazon. I think I'm gonna buy a new one off amazon. the prices have really come down and the one I have is a few years old already.
During this time we've been talking my wife called me while shopping and told me some creeper was following her around the store. Said she could hear him talking to himself as he was following her around. She had to tell the clerk before she left to make sure he didn't follow. Fuck I hate people. Just found out my state outlawed pepper spray now too while searching for self defense items.
Yeah, she's fine now. She's back at my daughter's gymnastics practice. This has happened a few times while she's out. Really scary.
she needs to put her taser on a lanyard and proudly display that sucka!

I just got my bank statement. They say I deposited $ 18,705.35 last Fri. I didn't but I wounder how long it will take the bank to let me know they made a mistake?
they will find it as soon as you try to withdraw it

i just put that joint out when i saw the cop, sometimes it pays to look "normal" :eyesmoke:
