Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Damn the house smells so good.. Wifey+ kids are gone so I decarbed in the house :) love that smell.. then added some PB + about 2 tbls olive oil, stir bake for 45 mins.. hardest part is waiting for this to cool...


match box

Well-Known Member
I called my bank today to ask where the deposit came from. The social security administration. It's still a mistake on there part. If I could just call with out an hour wait to talk to someone I would but I know they will find there mistake. I'll just leave it there they'll let me know for sure.

I've been waiting for a check but not near that much. damn lol


Active Member
Damn the house smells so good.. Wifey+ kids are gone so I decarbed in the house :) love that smell.. then added some PB + about 2 tbls olive oil, stir bake for 45 mins.. hardest part is waiting for this to cool...
I get the feeling you go through a lot of PB in your house.
Looks yummy.


Well-Known Member
Damn the house smells so good.. Wifey+ kids are gone so I decarbed in the house :) love that smell.. then added some PB + about 2 tbls olive oil, stir bake for 45 mins.. hardest part is waiting for this to cool...

Ok, my metabolism cant take much more of this...... Not that I'm counting but thats lots of calories!
I would of put on 5lbs. over the last two weeks! You've made weed dangerous!
Sorry, I'm a product of my surroundings, and the g/f is on a health kick. Think I'll make some soon as she leaves.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok, my metabolism cant take much more of this...... Not that I'm counting but thats lots of calories!
I would of put on 5lbs. over the last two weeks! You've made weed dangerous!
Sorry, I'm a product of my surroundings, and the g/f is on a health kick. Think I'll make some soon as she leaves.:bigjoint:
stick around.... my folks are heading here in 2 weeks.. I have been saving some of my Strawberry Queen to make into PB oatmeal cookies..

you think I got this figure avoiding medibles.. mhuahuauahha


Well-Known Member
Bear Country, I don't think what your son did is that uncommon. I spent quite a few years in collage and saw this happen over and over. Personally, I had to pay 100% of my own way and wasn't able to live at home and still my first year was pretty much a complete waste of time. I did eventually find my way but I saw that collage is not for everyone. In fact, some of the most successful people I know don't have much of an education. I'm not suggestion this is a better way but I'm sure you know self made people too. What I really would like to share with you is pretty much what the others have said. The relationship with your son is more important that money or school. I'm sure you feel betrayed but I'm sure if you thought hard enough, you might be able to come up with some less proud moments in you own life. I never had an open relationship with my parents. It was one of high expectations but no support. I found myself in some impossible situations and didn't know where to turn. I suffered far more than I needed to. Obviously, none of us know your relationship with your son, but if he fears ridicule or judgement, it's not likely he will ever open up to you. I have two niece, when they were old enough, I would tell them over and over, "I will always love you no matter what you have done. I will not judge you and I will not think any less of you...because I have stumbled in my own life many times." I also shared with them some of my mistakes to illustrate how no one is perfect. Now they are grownup and they come to me with some real whoppers but I'm so happy they do. I wouldn't want them to go though hardship with no one in their corner. If you don't think your son will open up to you, you might try another family member to talk to him to get down to the real issue.


Well-Known Member
ok.. sun is out.. house work done... dirt's all into the containers... 2+ hours till kids are home...

and I'm feeling gooood...


I originally heard this tune in this movie... Point of no return.. loved that movie

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loWM25F_SOY not linked I know..


Well-Known Member

this shit right here nigga, this shit right here....


Well-Known Member
I know this has been on riu before, but i thought i throw it out again..


match box

Well-Known Member
The mail just came with a letter from Social Security with an explanation of the $18,765.00 check it's mine. IT'S ALL MINE. It's back pay from Nov 2012 to Feb 2013 and starting in April I will start getting a monthly disability check. Damn it's about time. Party at my house. lol


Staff member
The mail just came with a letter from Social Security with an explanation of the $18,765.00 check it's mine. IT'S ALL MINE. It's back pay from Nov 2012 to Feb 2013 and starting in April I will start getting a monthly disability check. Damn it's about time. Party at my house. lol
lucky i could use about 200$ of that hahaha


Well-Known Member
The mail just came with a letter from Social Security with an explanation of the $18,765.00 check it's mine. IT'S ALL MINE. It's back pay from Nov 2012 to Feb 2013 and starting in April I will start getting a monthly disability check. Damn it's about time. Party at my house. lol
Can i borrow 5 bucks???


Well-Known Member
The mail just came with a letter from Social Security with an explanation of the $18,765.00 check it's mine. IT'S ALL MINE. It's back pay from Nov 2012 to Feb 2013 and starting in April I will start getting a monthly disability check. Damn it's about time. Party at my house. lol
Good for you!


Well-Known Member
I have created a masterpiece.. :)



seriously tho.. those damn pretzel things are so good.. the buffalo wings and their jalapeno ones are like crack..