Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I know this has been on riu before, but i thought i throw it out again..

HAHAHAHAAHA my life will never be the same. Listening to him on spotify now :D

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to see4 again.

I haven't been able to rep you in forever lmao and I def spread it around


Well-Known Member
My son got in his first fight today on the bus home from school. We have always taught our kids that starting fights is never okay bit defending yourself is always ok. Apparently this other kid is a problem child to start with and hrew he first punch. My son knocked him to the floor and kicked him in the face. I guess the fathe of this other child almost got violent with the daycare teacher over it which goes to show you where this child gets it from. Might sound wrong but im proud of my son. Not a scratch on him.


Well-Known Member
My son got in his first fight today on the bus home from school. We have always taught our kids that starting fights is never okay bit defending yourself is always ok. Apparently this other kid is a problem child to start with and hrew he first punch. My son knocked him to the floor and kicked him in the face. I guess the fathe of this other child almost got violent with the daycare teacher over it which goes to show you where this child gets it from. Might sound wrong but im proud of my son. Not a scratch on him.
That was always the good golden rule for my brother and I too. Don't start the fight, end it. As soon as you see the fist coming you can unleash on them. Sometimes that's easier said than done(waiting for them to throw the first punch while you try to act calm) with some of the shit people say lol.


New Member
yall gotta listen ti this. i was watching tv when my doorbell rang. i put my pipe down and grab my glock and get up. i holster it behind in the belt.lt holste and walk to the door. i open the door and this female ,that was 20, says «hi im selling girl scout cookies» so then i say «arent ya a little to old for girl scouts» then she says «nope, but you must be (she says my real name)» i then say yup thats me and your not selling cookies are ya» she pauses «not cookies but a cookie with milk» so in my head im saying holy shizniz.


Well-Known Member
Dear penthouse forum I know this never happens.. but..

yall gotta listen ti this. i was watching tv when my doorbell rang. i put my pipe down and grab my glock and get up. i holster it behind in the belt.lt holste and walk to the door. i open the door and this female ,that was 20, says «hi im selling girl scout cookies» so then i say «arent ya a little to old for girl scouts» then she says «nope, but you must be (she says my real name)» i then say yup thats me and your not selling cookies are ya» she pauses «not cookies but a cookie with milk» so in my head im saying holy shizniz.


New Member
yall know i live in the damn projects.....with two other guys living with me that werent even there when i was smoking besides i found out a lil later both guys living with me set all of it up for me

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
yall know i live in the damn projects.....with two other guys living with me that werent even there when i was smoking besides i found out a lil later both guys living with me set all of it up for me
Common, dude! Don't stop there. Finish the rest of your fanta..err... story.


Well-Known Member
yall gotta listen ti this. i was watching tv when my doorbell rang. i put my pipe down and grab my glock and get up. i holster it behind in the belt.lt holste and walk to the door. i open the door and this female ,that was 20, says «hi im selling girl scout cookies» so then i say «arent ya a little to old for girl scouts» then she says «nope, but you must be (she says my real name)» i then say yup thats me and your not selling cookies are ya» she pauses «not cookies but a cookie with milk» so in my head im saying holy shizniz.
So did you shoot her in the face?


Well-Known Member
Bets that he idolizes scarface?
None those guys like to admit that scarface wanted to bang his own sister though.


New Member
ight ight....wait what .....nvm......so im saying in my head «holy shizniz». so i let her in and she sniffs a couple time and says« you smoking northern lights?» my jaw hits the fucking floor cause we havent even gotten to my living room yet. but anyways she starts to slow doewn and lean against the wall and licks her lips and says «come here» and of course im in a trance just staring. so i shake my head to get focused and i get cloeser and holy fuck shes smells awesome like the freshest strawberries and flowers. she then puts her hands around me (she couldnt get them around my neck cause im six foot six) my hands shoot straight to grab her ass and it was the perfect size ....not to big not to small.....so kissing then making out and before i know it my size 32 waist 36 length pants are on the floor. so are my boxers. so ahe atarts sucking and im like damn best blow job. so she finishes up we heads toward the couch and from we startup the chitty chitty bang bang . now i unser stand why shes is still here right beside me..... and correcting me on this post......like if i missed something ha hahaha wrong i gave her the good good lololol


Well-Known Member
Ive never had to ignore a fellow rollituper but this guys getting close. His posts give me a headache. Hey shadow...if youre interested my 5 year old can give you some spelling lessons.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking pudsmoker87. He had the same type of wild encounters that always seemed to coincide with the topic at hand.
Welp...now that the names are out there we'll just have to see if he disappears like the rest lol.

You can claim all the bs you want, just be man enough to take a little rousing when you do and you'll be fine here. I wonder if rainman is still lurking, we miss you!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Welp...now that the names are out there we'll just have to see if he disappears like the rest lol.

You can claim all the bs you want, just be man enough to take a little rousing when you do and you'll be fine here. I wonder if rainman is still lurking, we miss you!
Yes we do.