My First grow Inside of a duffel bag

Here is my first grow ever.
I am just messing around to see if I can grow since I am moving back to Colorado in 3 months and plan on growing once I get settled, I'll be happy getting 2 grams off of this plant.

So here is the duffel bag:

Who would suspect a thing right? just a duffel bag in the corner, no light coming from it or anything.

So here is the duffel bag pulled out from the corner:

I know the lamp get's rid of the stealth but why waste money when you have perfect household objects around :p

Here is a shot of inside the bag:

Yes that is a metal garbage can, it fits perfectly in the duffel bag and is shiny and has holes to help with ventilation.

Today is day 3 since I planted the seed:

I have no fans or any of that in the bag, the bag and trashcan seem to keep it slightly above room temp.
I started this plant almost 3 weeks ago.
I just started flowering 3/24/2013

Here is pics that were taken of the plant today.
The plant grew and the top touched the light a little that's why the leaves are slightly burned.



New Member
Bag seed haha j/k , perhaps step up to a makeshift tote cabinet as it will be at least somewhat beneficial then .. Maybe an ounce verses a gram and this will be in about the same time frame but just extended by a week or so with the addition of more light


Sector 5 Moderator
After giving it some thought, I would get a red LED panel and put in there; they won't burn your house down and the light is the right spectrum for them and they run really cool. The panels are 12" x 12".
Most people can't grow a plant with the top grade shit and you're over there growing beauties in trashcans with one cfl. haha.


New Member
After giving it some thought, I would get a red LED panel and put in there; they won't burn your house down and the light is the right spectrum for them and they run really cool. The panels are 12" x 12".
Aren't those like 14-28 or 36watts? There like 20-40$?
I saw those, seemed legit.

Are you staying at a Hotel or something? I don't see why anyone would do this unless there like... Super Sketchy LOL!


Well-Known Member
If he jostles that bag around and the bulb ends up touching the polyester or whatevrr fake material that bag is made of the bulb will eventualy melt it and maybe combust... not too mention the possible elctrical to water probs you might have in that small space, not saying dont do it but just be careful, i agree with the tote idea at a minimum for the record, other than that as previously said you are doing better than most first timers.