Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Morning, folks. Just getting ready for breakfast here, nothing amazing or Earth shaking going on in my little world. I did have a pretty screwed up dream though. I was being chased by some sort of agents, I have no idea who they worked for, but the came after me while I was in a high-rise hotel, and their first course of action was to flood the first floor with pepsi...which I then had to swim through to escape, and while they were inside trying to find me I broke into their van, tossed their radio and GPS and totally took off in it. Weird stuffs to wake up from.


Well-Known Member
Damn, Billy Corgan is looking kinda old
Well, he's kind of old. At 46 you can't expect everything to stay up and firm, at least not without aid.

Edit : For those of you with remarkable genes that still look good at 50, fuck off you're not normal and you damned well know it.


Well-Known Member
Well, he's kind of old. At 46 you can't expect everything to stay up and firm, at least not without aid.

Edit : For those of you with remarkable genes that still look good at 50, fuck off you're not normal and you damned well know it.
i read the 1st half and went :shock:
then i read the second part :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's just jealousy Sunny. I don't look too bad for 33, but with the progression I've seen since I was 18, by the time I'm 50 I'm going to be very old looking.

Edit : And my hair is starting to turn white. By the time I'm 50 I'm going to have that Gandalf look going on. Which could be cool, but most people will probably think it's creepy. Fuck 'em, I'm gonna buy a long robe and a walking stick just for shits n' giggles.


Well-Known Member
It's just jealousy Sunny. I don't look too bad for 33, but with the progression I've seen since I was 18, by the time I'm 50 I'm going to be very old looking.
i'm sure you look just fine O...i've been carded all my life and it's really a PITA when you don't have your id with you :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Lol, I was gonna say, go get a load of Carne, that dude and his Native American genes, you'd never guess he's a day over 30

I didn't know Corgan was 46, I guess it never crossed my mind, but that sounds about right now that I think about it.. It's just odd to think about the songs he's contributed vocals to and match that sound with that face! Mindfuck!

But it is interesting to see how celebrities from my childhood age. It's damn near 20 years since I started actually paying attention to movies, and 20 years can do a lot to a person, but magically, some of them still look exactly the same! Keanu Reeves looks exactly the same as he did when he was in Speed, maybe a little less tan, Brad Pitt arguably looks better, Nicole Kidman, dude..

Some people just age gracefully


Well-Known Member
Lol, I was gonna say, go get a load of Carne, that dude and his Native American genes, you'd never guess he's a day over 30

I didn't know Corgan was 46, I guess it never crossed my mind, but that sounds about right now that I think about it.. It's just odd to think about the songs he's contributed vocals to and match that sound with that face! Mindfuck!

But it is interesting to see how celebrities from my childhood age. It's damn near 20 years since I started actually paying attention to movies, and 20 years can do a lot to a person, but magically, some of them still look exactly the same! Keanu Reeves looks exactly the same as he did when he was in Speed, maybe a little less tan, Brad Pitt arguably looks better, Nicole Kidman, dude..

Some people just age gracefully
Well, if that's aging gracefully, I'm going to age with all the grace of a 1 legged cat chasing a hyperactive squirrel.

Ok, I'm making it out to be worse than it is, I'm probably going to be fine, what with my odd racial makeup. German, Irish, and Cherokee. One thing I'm very happy about is I don't have old hands. You know what I mean, like some people look good in the face, but their hands are all wrinkly and gnarled looking...and that ain't me, I've got the same hands I had when I was 20.


Well-Known Member
It's just jealousy Sunny. I don't look too bad for 33, but with the progression I've seen since I was 18, by the time I'm 50 I'm going to be very old looking.

Edit : And my hair is starting to turn white. By the time I'm 50 I'm going to have that Gandalf look going on. Which could be cool, but most people will probably think it's creepy. Fuck 'em, I'm gonna buy a long robe and a walking stick just for shits n' giggles.
Im 33 too and I just saw a grey hair hiding on the side of my head, I ripped that shit out. It didnt bother me though..I think Ill freak if I ever see a grey pube though.